Home Alone 3

Continuity mistake: Mr. Beaupre is talking to Alex in the garage, and Alex walks backwards away from him, he nearly touches the wooden shelf behind him. When it cuts to a wideshot Alex is now much further away from the shelf, and when it cuts to another closeup he once again walks back into the shelf. (01:29:16)

Continuity mistake: In the very first shot of the Mom, she carries in a load of boxes. Two green ones are included, one with writing above the other. When she unstacks them, the shot pans out a little bit, and the boxes are positioned differently.

Continuity mistake: When Unger gets run over by his criminal partner, look at the driver side window. Making initial contact with the car, it is closed. For the close up shot, it's wide open, and when the car turns, it's only open a couple of inches.

Continuity mistake: Alex's Dad hangs up the steamer in the attic, when Alex informs him that his taxi arrives. The metal holder the steamer hangs on changes position with every shot.

Continuity mistake: At one point, the mother gets an audible page. When she looks at the display to see the number, you can clearly see that the pager is set to "silent." (00:29:20)

Continuity mistake: Alex puts the present down to take off his hat and scarf, by the front door. Between shots the present moves a few inches closer to the bag next to it. (00:11:00)

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Beaupre takes the control car apart, he holds the bottom of the car which has the wheels on it in his left hand, and the top of the car in his right hand. The shot changes and the two parts of the car have swapped over into the other hand instantly. (01:25:45)


Continuity mistake: When Miss Hess leaves the plane after landing in Chicago, she takes a scarf out of the Parisian bag she has accidentally picked up. Surely she would have noticed the items within the bag were not hers when she put the scarf in the bag?

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Hess gets off the plane to Chicago, in a wideshot as she places her bags down, her scarf hangs out of the bag, yet in the closeup of her taking out the scarf it is tucked in the bag. (00:06:15)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Alex's mum is about to leave his room after applying lotion to his chest. Alex's hair is slightly scruffy - when the shot comes back to him after being on the mum his hair is combed and neat.

Continuity mistake: When the luggage goes through the scanner at the start of the movie the bad guys put their toy car on the belt followed by a brown bag. Scene then cuts to the old woman, and she picks up the bag which is the same bag as the bad guys', followed by a blue one. When the bad guy pick their bags up it's still in order they put it on, nothing swapped.

Continuity mistake: When Beaupre and Unger get smashed by the trunk of books, it shows them clearing the books off them. When they are shown again, Beaupre still has a book on his chest.


Continuity mistake: When Dupre knocks the washing basket off of the side, on top of the car, we see the basket land upside down, but in the next shot it is on its side.

Continuity mistake: Alex starts turning off Mrs. Hess' TV from the attic. The ornaments in front of the TV move between shots at least twice, in consecutive shots. (00:16:35)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Stan is bouncing his basketball, Alex's grasshopper is crawling around on the floor. Notice the bug is a brown type of a color and then when Stan squishes the grasshopper it is green on the bottom of the basketball. (00:12:58)

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Suggested correction: The "insides" of grasshoppers are comprised of green body fluids. A squished grasshopper - brown or green - will look similar to how it does on the basketball that was used to squish it in the movie. What is shown may not be the precise shade of green "blood", but it is a decent rendition.


Continuity mistake: The scenes where the bad guys get into Chicago are in daylight, but when they are "chasing" the taxi cab it is nighttime.

Continuity mistake: When the police are arriving at the end of the movie (behind the snow ploughs), there is an overhead shot showing sunlight shining onto the street. Every other shot in that exact scene is otherwise grey and cloudy.


Continuity mistake: When Alex runs into the garage towards the end of the movie, we see sunlight shining in through the window. Wasn't it just grey and snowy outside?


Continuity mistake: When Alex first takes out the bubble-squirting gun and threatens Olek Krupa's character with it, the muzzle looks like what one might see on a real gun. However, when we get a closeup of it after Alex shouts at Olek Krupa and chases him away, the muzzle has a gaping hole in it, because it's a different bubble-squirting gun.


Continuity mistake: Near the beginning, Beaupre and Co. follow a taxi driver to its station and we see it park. It pulls right up to a metal fence. However, when Jurnigen and Unger approach the taxi driver a moment later we can see in the background that the fence is a good distance away from the car.

Audio problem: Near the end of the movie when the parrot is going to light the firecrackers, he is talking perfectly even though he has a match in his mouth. (01:30:35)


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Stan: Hey, Alex, could you pass me the false alarms? I mean, the peas.

More quotes from Home Alone 3

Trivia: The film was conceived with Macaulay Culkin in mind to reprise his role as Kevin. Culkin refused, however, thinking that a third adventure with the character would be too unbelievable, and also feeling a bit burnt out with the role. Thus, the film was rewritten to focus on a new lead.


More trivia for Home Alone 3

Question: If they're spies then why are the four shown being booked in regular jail? Why aren't they in a federal prison?


Answer: Because it's just a movie, it's a comedy, and the filmmakers are not concerned with exact, realistic details. They expect the audience to just enjoy the silliness and not be overly concerned about reality. The two other Home Alone films employed similar "suspension of disbelief" in the plots.


Exactly like what happened to the guy that gave them the chip. Wouldn't he be arrested too, but we don't hear anything about what happened to him. I'm assuming since he had a plan to catch he was going somewhere he can't be extradited.

The guy who hired Beaupre and his team was in China the whole time, so he couldn't be extradited to America since China has no extradition treaty with America.

Answer: There are two possible explanations: 1) Because there is far less space available in federal prisons, compared to state and local facilities, federal prisoners and arrestees are often kept in local facilities. 2) Because the federal charges or providing support for terrorism and industrial espionage are harder to prove compared to the state-level charges of breaking and entering, assault and battery, and attempted murder.


It's doubtful the writers had all that in mind when writing a comedy holiday script. The plot simply calls for the spies to be caught and thrown into jail at the end of the story. There is also a difference between prison and jail. Prison is for those convicted of a crime. Jail is a temporary holding place after an arrest is made. With police being involved in the arrest, the spies would initially be booked and held in the local jail. The spies would later be transferred to federal custody to await trial.


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