Hocus Pocus

Trivia: The moths that fly out of Billy's mouth after he cuts the thread are real, the actor held them in there for the effect.

Trivia: The husband that The Sanderson Sisters mistake for their master (the devil) and his wife are actually brother and sister in real life. Gary and Penny Marshall are also both Hollywood directors, and both primarily direct comedies.


Trivia: The movie is based on a story producer David Kirschner made up to entertain his daughter about how a neighbor's cat was actually a boy who had been changed into a cat by witches. His wife thought the idea was fun, and told him he should develop it as a script. Kirschner agreed, and fleshed it out into a proper script with horror writer Mick Garris. It was originally called "Disney's Halloween House," but was later renamed to the snappier title "Hocus Pocus."


Trivia: The film is produced by David Kirschner, who also came up with the original story idea. Despite "Hocus Pocus" being a family-favorite, it's not Kirschner's first foray into something creepy and supernatural... he's also the main producer on all the "Chucky" movies (and the TV show), and even designed the Chucky and Tiffany dolls. It's pretty ironic... he's responsible for both delighting and terrifying 80's and 90's kids all over the world.


Trivia: Look closely, just after zombie Billy tries to grab the kids at the town hall party, you'll see someone dressed in a Billy Butcherson costume just behind Max.

Trivia: The 3 little girls who take the witches brooms from the fence by "Satan's" house are dressed as the Sanderson sisters.

Trivia: Sarah Jessica Parker had an ancestor who was accused of witchcraft.

Trivia: When Binx and Max are talking in the park after they think the witches burned in the kiln, a house in the background is where American Beauty was filmed; Thora Birch (Dani) was also in that movie.

Plot hole: After Max and Allison rescue Dani from the witches, Max is driving his parents' car. Winifred flies up along side of them and asks Max to show her his driver's permit. How would she know about driving permits, since she's been dead for 300 years?

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Suggested correction: She did watch TV in the house of the man dressed as Satan so maybe someone said it on TV.

Mary Sanderson was watching television, not Winifred.

Movie Nut

Suggested correction: There is a lot the movie doesn't show us about who they've passed and what they heard all evening. One example being we don't know everything the bus driver said to them. It's perfectly reasonable they heard somebody make reference to a driver's permit and the movie did not show us this conversation deeming it invalid to the plot.

Not referring to a learner's permit. She would have known what it means. She's emulating a cop pulling him over. She would have to know what that means...and know the difference between a license and a learners permit. Enough to find it funny and relevant to the situation.

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Sarah: What is this place?
Mary: It reeks of children!
Winifred: It is a prison for children.

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Question: While at the high school, after the witches arrive, Max says "This is your host, Boris Karloff Jr." Is that a real person or a name made up for the movie? With the witches thought to be burned alive, why did Binx snap at Allison and Max for opening the book. With the witches gone, he wouldn't have anything to worry about, right?

Brandon York

Answer: Boris Karloff was a real actor who is mostly famous for playing Frankenstein and The Mummy in the 1930's. He had many other roles in classic horror films of that era.The young host is naming himself after the actor. Binx may have been concerned that the witches were not truly gone, and therefore wanted to exert some caution. His concern was warranted.


The answer is true, but the question asked about Boris Karloff Jr, who didn't exist. Boris Karloff had only one child, a daughter named Sarah. As for Binx, he was angry about them opening the book and even states that nothing good could ever come from it. He was not only cautious about the sisters (and any concern he had there was valid), but he also knew that everything in the book was evil and didn't want to risk other issues it causes whether the sisters were involved or not.


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