Hocus Pocus
Hocus Pocus mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Winifred, Sarah, and Mary get off the bus, when the young girl dressed as an angel stops and says, "Bless you," the candy bag she's holding switches from her left hand to her right arm, then back to her left hand, between shots. (00:48:10)

Super Grover

Hocus Pocus mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the parents are at the party, Dani and Max's mother puts her hands up while she is dancing and you can see her wedding ring in the shots facing her, but in the shots facing Dani the ring is gone. (00:55:20)

Plot hole: After Max and Allison rescue Dani from the witches, Max is driving his parents' car. Winifred flies up along side of them and asks Max to show her his driver's permit. How would she know about driving permits, since she's been dead for 300 years?

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Suggested correction: She did watch TV in the house of the man dressed as Satan so maybe someone said it on TV.

Mary Sanderson was watching television, not Winifred.

Movie Nut

Suggested correction: There is a lot the movie doesn't show us about who they've passed and what they heard all evening. One example being we don't know everything the bus driver said to them. It's perfectly reasonable they heard somebody make reference to a driver's permit and the movie did not show us this conversation deeming it invalid to the plot.

Not referring to a learner's permit. She would have known what it means. She's emulating a cop pulling him over. She would have to know what that means...and know the difference between a license and a learners permit. Enough to find it funny and relevant to the situation.

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Winifred: You know, I've always wanted a child. And now, I think I'll have one...[screaming] ON TOAST!

Movie Nut

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Trivia: The husband that The Sanderson Sisters mistake for their master (the devil) and his wife are actually brother and sister in real life. Gary and Penny Marshall are also both Hollywood directors, and both primarily direct comedies.


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Question: Throughout the film, everyone says that Binx was trying to prevent the candle from being lit, so why at the end does he thank Max for lighting it, and explain to Emily that he had to wait for the candle to be lit?


Chosen answer: Binx had accepted his fate of being a cat forever so instead, he decided to stop the candle from being lit. It was only near the end of the film that he saw the death of the witches broke his curse.


Answer: Binx knew that bringing the Sandersons back to life would be dangerous, so he tried to prevent it. It was only AFTER the group killed the witches that he was thankful since his curse was lifted. He said that to Emily because he waited 300 years for the right person to light the candle and destroy the witches.

Answer: He accepted his fate until the end of the movie.

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