
Continuity mistake: During the race at Thunder Road, look at the length of the wheel cutters - they keep changing length throughout the whole race. Plus we only see one come off, but before the crash the two Westside ones are missing.

Audio problem: At the very beginning when they are singing "Summer Loving" Sandy sat at the top of the seating for the athletics track. The voice-over and Sandy's lip movements do not match.


Continuity mistake: When Danny and Sandy enter the sports hall for the National Dance Off, there are four people behind them sitting on the spectator benches, but when Doody and Frenchy enter the hall in the next shot, the people have disappeared and there is now a woman in a pink dress behind the benches.

Continuity mistake: The scene where Sandy and Danny are eating together, then the rest of the gang comes, Sonny walks Marty home. Right after the two leave, Sonny come up behind Frenchie, like he was in the bathroom or at the jukebox. Wasn't he walking Marty home?

Continuity mistake: When Jan is mimicking the Ipana squirrel on TV, she put her hand up to her mouth when she is singing, 'Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a', and pretending to brush her teeth. In the second half of the song, however, after the second line; 'New Ipana toothpaste', she has both her arms pointing in front of her making a 45 degree angle with her body, and her neck straight but in the next shot, which is at the beginning of the next line, 'Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a', she has one hand up to her mouth again and her head is pointed a little to the right. You might also notice that the time between those two lines is longer than it should be.

Continuity mistake: When Sandy tells Danny that he is a fake at the pep rally, we see Rizzo, Frenchie, Jan and Marty standing behind her in a line. In the next shot, Jan is standing directly behind Rizzo.

Continuity mistake: When Tom and Sandy are eating an ice-cream sundae at the ice-cream parlour, Tom gives Sandy some money for the jukebox. After Sandy gets up from her chair, Tom then sits back in his chair and he is looking forward, but in the next shot he is looking over his shoulder at Sandy.

Continuity mistake: When Sandy and Tom are eating an ice-cream sundae at the Frosty Palace, Tom takes a piece of ice-cream and puts the spoon in his mouth, but in the next shot he has his spoon back in the sundae glass.

Continuity mistake: Just before Kenickie runs up behind Patty Simcox and lifts up her dress she standing at the back of the hall clapping her hands, she is not in the dance contest.

eric 64

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Suggested correction: She does a front flip and joins the contest just seconds before he lifts her dress over her head.

Continuity mistake: After the race in the LA River, the black losing car is left in the middle of the river. When Sandy is talking to Frenchie, the car has been removed from the river. And finally, it's back in the water again.

Factual error: In the dancehall, the guitarist in the band is using a silverface Fender guitar amp. Fender did not manufacture this style till early-mid 60's. (02:00:00)

Danny: Uh, I'm not very hungry; just gimme a double Polar Burger wit' everything and a cherry soda wit' chocolate ice cream.

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Trivia: Olivia Newton-John had to be sewn into her trousers at the end of the film as the zipper broke. They were put on in the morning and she was not allowed to take them off or go to the restroom while they were on, as the crew would have to waste time sewing them back on.


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Answer: It is implied that Danny and Rizzo had a previous romantic relationship of some kind. When Jan says, "Did you guys get a look at Zuk this Morning? Looking pretty good this year, huh, Rizz?" Rizzo replies, "that's ancient history." Later, when Danny says, "you're looking good, Rizz, " her answer, "eat your heart out," also suggests some possible residual feelings on her part. I think that's why Rizzo enjoys tormenting Sandy and Danny by reintroducing them at Rydell at a moment that she knows Danny is going to save face around his friends.

Michael Albert

Answer: Yes.

Answer: Yes... after the reunion of Danny and Sandy and Danny playing cool and blowing her off, Rizzo stands back with a stupid grin on her face like she's proud of herself.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. Plus, at the beginning of the movie it's implied that she and Danny were a fling or at least flirting at some point. Could be she was mad at the ending of it if it wasn't her choice. Later, when he calls her Sloppy Seconds, that seems to really shock her, but I'm less sure it implies anything.

Answer: When Rizzo shimmies down the outside of Frenchie's house she first says "what's up Kenick?", and he replies "one guess", followed by Rizzo intimating "You got a lot to offer a girl..." She then turns to Danny saying "What say you Zuck?" This is a clear inference that she would have sex with both men - a threesome, basically. Zuko is uninterested because as he states sloppy-seconds "aren't my style." He jumps out of the car and Kenickie kicks the other T-BIRDS to the sidewalk. The two love-birds head off to the hills.

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