
During a 1950's summer, good girl Sandy and greaser Danny fall in love until Sandy has to return home to Australia at the end of summer. By a twist of fate, Sandy moves back to the US and unknowingly attends the same high school as Danny. When her new friends introduce her to him again, he acts cool for his friends and makes her angry. The whole movie goes back and forth between him getting her back, and then losing her again, all leading up to when Danny, and his gang the T-birds, consisting of Sonny, Putzie, and his best friend, Kenickie, race Kenickie's car against Leo who is from a rival gang, whoever wins gets the loser's car. Can Danny win both the race and Sandy's heart?

Factual error: The movie and events take place in 1958. However, two Fender amplifiers that are used by the band, "Johnny Casino and The Gamblers" are "Silverface" models that were only manufactured between 1967 and 1981.

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Danny: Uh, I'm not very hungry; just gimme a double Polar Burger wit' everything and a cherry soda wit' chocolate ice cream.

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Trivia: John Travolta made up the "cool dude walk" that Danny uses in the first scenes, when trying to create a bad boy image.

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Question: Can anybody explain why the T-Birds didn't see each other all summer? Even if Kenickie had a job, wouldn't he still be around after work?

Answer: Well, Danny was out of town, at the beach. It's quite possible that the rest of T-Birds didn't live close enough to each other to see each other during the summer. Also, they may have all had jobs, or been travelling with their families. It's also possible that they DID see each other, although maybe not as "T-Birds". When they saw each other on the first day of school, though, they were Seniors, and they were ready and excited to be T-Bird seniors.


Another possible reason is that not all of them were allowed to see friends during the summer. I had a couple of classmates whose parents were strict about them focusing on schoolwork and/or getting a job. No phone calls or visiting friends on the weekends or during summer: "You can see your friends at school."

Do you really think any of the T-Birds had strict parents?

People quite often rebel against strict parents.

When they asked Kenickie where he was, he said "working, which is more than I can say for any of youse kids" suggesting that the 3 stooges (pun intended for their stupid routine that prompts Danny to tell them to "be cool") didn't work all summer. Also, Sonny needed to borrow money in the dinner until he could get his allowance.

In regards to not living close enough to each other, it is worth mentioning that having access to a vehicle was much less common compared to nowadays.


Answer: During that time, it wasn't uncommon for people to go out of town for the whole summer. Often, it was close enough so that the father could commute on weekends while the mother and kids spent the summer at the vacation spot. Even when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's, I knew a lot of people who did it.

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