
Continuity mistake: At the dance contest when principal McGee asks for applause for the committee who decorated the hall, someone replies "lets hear it for the toilet paper" and Eugene changes position during the following shots.

Continuity mistake: When the girls are all sitting in the outside cafeteria just before Patty Simcox comes over watch Marty. When Patty approaches she is lifting her fork to her mouth but when the shot changes she is holding out her hand to get Patty's card without having enough time to put her fork down in between.

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the National Bandstand scene you see people filling the hat of the big "Rydell Ranger" figure with pieces of paper. During the next ten minutes the figure is often visible in the background and the hat is empty - nobody emptied it. After those ten minutes the hat has paper again and is then emptied. (00:59:00)

Continuity mistake: At the dance-off, near the end of Cha-Cha and Danny's dance, they move from the back to the left side of the ring of people around them, and then in the next shot they're at the back of the ring.

Continuity mistake: There are red and white puffy paper decorations on each side of the door entering the gym for the dance-off. However, within a few seconds, the decorations on the left side completely disappear.

Continuity mistake: When the students are dancing to "Hound Dog" at the National Dance Off, they go up to the TV camera and start waving. You can see in the crowd a girl in a blue dress jumping up and down, but when we see it on the TV from the Frosty Palace, the girl is nowhere to be seen.

Continuity mistake: When Cha-Cha receives the award from Principal McGee at the end of "Born to Hand Jive" at the National Dance Off, Putzie is giving Jan a piggy-back next to the Principal. However, in the next scene, Putzie is giving Jan a piggy-back right next to Cha-Cha. (01:14:00)

Continuity mistake: When the waitress is cleaning off the table after the kids leave, the plates on her tray all appear to be empty. But Danny's and Sandy's plates are completely full when they leave, and no one touches their food. Kenickie takes one bite of a burger on a different plate, but not nearly enough to empty it.


Continuity mistake: When Kenickie says to Rizzo in the soda parlour, "How about if I finish with you, huh?" there is a tomato ketchup squeezer on his side of the table. In the next scene when Rizzo says, "Finish this!" and throws the glass of liquid at Kenickie, the ketchup squeezer has moved to her side of the table, and in the next scene, when Kenickie is covered in liquid, the ketchup squeezer is back in its normal position. (00:52:00)

Continuity mistake: When Rizzo is lying on the bench, and kicks off Sandy and that other chick, Sandy is singing, however her mouth is not moving at all.

Continuity mistake: In the lunch scene, when Rizzo and Marty first sit down, there is a half-eaten apple in front of Rizzo's lunch tray that keeps disappearing and reappearing between shots.

Continuity mistake: Sonny has a lunch bag in his hands when they arrive at school. After they see and talk with Zucco, the bell rings and they head for class. As they start leaving, Sonny doesn't have his lunch bag anymore.

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Suggested correction: While the T-Birds are still outside you see Sonny putting his lunch in his coat pocket.

Continuity mistake: At the end of the prep rally, after Sandy confronts Danny, she is leaning on a car crying. Frenchie comes up to Sandy to console her. Watch Sandy's head, in one shot her head is up then in the next it is down.

Continuity mistake: At the end of Principal McGee's final speech before the students' graduation carnival, the Principal gives Blanche a tissue and says, "Oh Blanche, stop blubbering". Blanche then puts the tissue over her nose, but in the next scene when she bursts into tears, the tissue has opened up and is covering the left side of her cheek.

Continuity mistake: During the dance off, Sandy and Danny are dancing in the center and everyone is watching them. Behind Sandy, Cha Cha walks out and puts her hands on her hips. Then, the camera does a close up of her doing this. So she actually walked out twice.

Continuity mistake: During the song Summer Lovin', Rizzo lies down on her side on a picnic bench and puts on sunglasses. In the next shot, when she kicks Sandy and another girl off the bench, the sunglasses are off. In the following shot, they are on again. (00:16:13)

Continuity mistake: Rizzo is singing the Sandra-Dee song in Frenchie's bedroom. When she sits at the desk, you can just see that the chest of drawers are all closed fully behind her. However, later in the song Rizzo jumps off the bed. As she passes, then sits back at the desk, the second drawer down is now partially open. No one goes near it during this time, as all the girls in this song are on the bed.

Continuity mistake: During the sleepover, Rizzo gets off of the bed with a cigarette in one hand and the wine bottle in the other. In the next shot, the cigarette and the bottle have switched places.

Continuity mistake: After Vince Fontaine begins the National Dance Off with Johnny Casino & The Gamblers, Mr. Rudie is seen walking down some steps near the stage, but in the very next shot he is seen at the bottom of the steps, putting his hands up to Vince.

Continuity mistake: In the song "There Are Worse Things I Could Do," between the lines "Out of spite or jealousy" and "I don't steal and I don't lie", Rizzo's hand jumps from the side of her book to the top of her book, near her face.

Movie_Freak 1

Audio problem: During "We Go Together" at the end, John Travolta's mouth is not in sync with the words "we'll always be like one." He appears to start singing "that's the way it should be" before realizing and correcting his mistake.

More mistakes in Grease

Principal McGee: We have pictures of you so-called mooners. And just because the pictures aren't of your faces doesn't mean we can't identify you. At this very moment those pictures are on their way to Washington where the FBI has experts in this type of identification. If you turn yourselves in now, you may escape a Federal charge.

More quotes from Grease

Trivia: John Travolta made up the "cool dude walk" that Danny uses in the first scenes, when trying to create a bad boy image.

More trivia for Grease

Question: I can't understand why Sonny hauled Sandy off the dance floor during the dance finale. Sure Sonny was a bit of a jerk, but he idolized Danny and would never disrespect him. Also there was nothing to suggest that he and Cha-Cha were friends. I never truly understood.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Watched that scene again now and I just think it was poor writing (in what's still a classic film regardless). How none of the judges noticed that Cha Cha took another girl's (Sandy's) place even after she'd already been "tapped out" is another huge plot hole. Plus a lot of people in America were watching the dance on TV and it's not mentioned by anyone after this scene. 35 years later and that scene still bugs me (haha).

Answer: I agree it plays a bit strange, but I always chalked it up to Sonny wanting Danny to win the dance competition and Sandy, although not bad, admits she's not on Danny's level, while Cha-cha is "the best dancer at St. Bernadette."

Also, he was drinking and upset so not thinking.

Answer: He's fall-down drunk, that's why. He's drinking during the entire dance.


Answer: It was because they were going to moon the cameras, they didn't want to embarrass Sandy since she would've been offended if it happened when she and Danny were dancing.

Answer: When he's pulling Sandy away he is also yelling to Danny "Go! Go! Go!" So I was also wondering like if Cha-Cha told him to do that and they just failed to add that into the scene.

Chosen answer: It's so Cha-Cha can go with Danny. You can see Cha-Cha giving Danny the eye. So Sonny took Sandy away for Cha-Cha's benefit.

Answer: Because in real life Olivia was late for work, as a result Annette had to take Olivia's place because she was her understudy.

Answer: He is so upset about Marty liking Ed Byrnes, he just drinks all night.

Answer: I think it was because Sonny was drunk and wanted Sandy to talk to Marty for him since she dumped him for Vince Fontaine at the beginning of the dance.

Answer: It's a terrible moment in the story because it exposes Danny as being thoughtless. After already burning Sandy once (at the pep rally) you'd think he'd be mindful of not doing it again. This time, though, he humiliates her in front of the entire school, as well as on television. Unsure how Sandy's sitting with him in the next scene at the drive-in only slightly miffed. Imagine how this plays as a story to their children: "Hey, kids, did I ever tell you about how your dad embarrassed me in front of everybody?" I guess it's meant to be partly motivation for Sandy to change her image and outlook in order to keep Danny, but it's a terrible message (even back then). She's nothing but thoughtful and considerate, and Danny repeatedly treats her badly, but she decides she needs to reinvent herself. (Danny's makeover doesn't count given it lasts about three minutes.) It would've been better had Danny and Sandy came second because of Sandy's dancing, and that could've played on her mind.

Answer: Well my theory is maybe since Sonny wants a girl, Cha-Cha promised him a date with a girl if he agreed to her plan.

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