An American Werewolf in Paris

Factual error: When Andy bungee jumps off the Eiffel Tower, he hits his head on the rebound. If he had rebounded back from where he was shown, it would have smashed his skull to pieces and killed him instantly.


Revealing mistake: When Andy and Claude are fighting each other in the train, during several shots, you can see Claude wearing gray briefs.

More mistakes in An American Werewolf in Paris

Claude: I love Americans. You all have a good taste.

More quotes from An American Werewolf in Paris

Trivia: When this movie was released to DVD in Australia, the ending had Andy running to the hospital where Seraphine had just given birth to Andy's child. The baby opens its eyes and the eyes are yellow, indicating that the baby is a werewolf. Later DVD releases had the ending where Andy and Seraphine bungee jump off the Statue of Liberty.

More trivia for An American Werewolf in Paris

Question: How did they get Andy to the hospital after he banged his head on the Eiffel Tower? It seems highly unlikely there were any elevators around.


Chosen answer: The Eiffel Tower has several elevators in use that they could have taken.


More questions & answers from An American Werewolf in Paris

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