An American Werewolf in Paris

Continuity mistake: Much of this movie was shot in Luxembourg, not in Paris. This is obvious on several occasions - the road signs are clearly not like the French standard. You even see a sign to »Trier (Trèves)«. In Paris, there would be no signs to this German town...and even if there was, these would say »Trèves«. The buses also have French registration plates but are from Luxembourg companies.

Continuity mistake: At the cafe when Serafine says about Andy's friend coming along to "witness you score" Andy drops his coffee cup and you hear it breaking. When the condoms go onto the table the coffee cup is perfectly intact.


Continuity mistake: When the werewolf jumps in front of the subway train, the woman in the purple top drops the same paper bag full of fruit twice. Once viewed from the side; once viewed head on.


Continuity mistake: On the train in the beginning, when Andy is looking at a map, the picture at the top of the map changes between shots. First, there's a little land and a lot of water at the top, then there's all land at the top.


Continuity mistake: After fighting the werewolves in the crypt, Andy goes back to the house and he has a cut on his right shoulder. However, when the werewolves turn up, he runs down the stairs and the cut has now disappeared.


Plot hole: When Andy turns into a werewolf, he kills both Amy and Detective Benbou. Later in the morgue, Amy tells him because of this that she is forced to become his "rotting sidekick." If this is completely true, then Detective Benbou should also be following Andy around but he isn't seen after Andy manages to escape from the morgue.

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Trivia: When this movie was released to DVD in Australia, the ending had Andy running to the hospital where Seraphine had just given birth to Andy's child. The baby opens its eyes and the eyes are yellow, indicating that the baby is a werewolf. Later DVD releases had the ending where Andy and Seraphine bungee jump off the Statue of Liberty.

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Question: How did they get Andy to the hospital after he banged his head on the Eiffel Tower? It seems highly unlikely there were any elevators around.


Chosen answer: The Eiffel Tower has several elevators in use that they could have taken.


More questions & answers from An American Werewolf in Paris

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