The Goonies

Deliberate mistake: Even if the kids split up on the water slide, only the last two fell out of sequence. Mikey exited first followed by Mouth, and Stef, but then Brand fell before Andy, he should have been last.

Continuity mistake: During the jail breakout, when Jake tries to open the ORV's door, in the shot facing Francis he is holding the gun in his left hand as he tries to open the door for his brother with his right hand. In the next shot facing Jake just before shouts, "I don't have the handle, open the lock!" Francis's gloved left hand is empty, and next shot, the gun can be seen in his right hand. (00:01:45)

Super Grover

More mistakes in The Goonies

Andy: I can't tell... If it's an "A sharp" or if it's a "B flat"!
Mikey: Heh, if you hit the wrong note, we'll all "B flat!"

More quotes from The Goonies

Trivia: When Chunk calls the police the officer mentions 'those little creatures that multiply when touched by water'. This is of course Gremlins, which was also executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Corey Feldman has a role.

More trivia for The Goonies

Question: Heres something I never quite understood. Back in One-eyed Willie's day it seems they were Spanish speaking. What with the Spanish Armada and all. So why is it that the Treasure Map is written in Spanish, but rhymes in English?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Well, his ship is hidden in America where the people spoke english, so perhaps it was done for the benefit of those who were most likely to find the map. Must have been his idea of a joke.Actually though, I'm betting it was the result of the filmmakers not thinking that through.


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