The Goonies

Visible crew/equipment: When Jake runs out of the County Jail, as the camera pans down when he shouts, "Francis, the lock," the moving boom's reflection is visible over the back door, and the camera's and cameraman's reflections are visible on the vehicle's surface, right behind Mama Fratelli. (00:01:30)

Super Grover

The Goonies mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Francis Fratelli walks across the beam he slips and does a flip. In the wideshot, we see the sudden appearance of a riveted platform affixed to the beam, extending from its left side, directly in front of Francis. (01:18:00)

Super Grover

The Goonies mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the Goonies are first climbing the ladder on the pirate ship to find one eyed Willy's gold, the second shot has a crew member waving his arm on the far left of the screen. (This is only visible in the widescreen version). (01:21:00)

Visible crew/equipment: In the shot of Mama Fratelli waiting outside for Jake in the ORV, you can see the reflection of some film equipment in the small triangle window next to her. (00:01:30)

Visible crew/equipment: At the Lighthouse Lounge, when Chunk opens the door and sees the bullet riddled ORV, Chunk's reflection on the back of the vehicle moves to the right, but there is another moving reflection to his left.

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: When Francis and Mama Fratelli carry the bagged corpse to the ORV, in the close-up the reflection of a crewmember, who moves his head, is visible on the surface of the black vehicle.

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: When Sean finds that dirty old treasure map in the attic and tells them all the story about one-eyed Willy, behind Brandon and Mouth you can see some visible camera crew with a camera edging away from them in the shadows. (00:17:50)


Continuity mistake: During the jail breakout, when Jake tries to open the ORV's door, in the shot facing Francis he is holding the gun in his left hand as he tries to open the door for his brother with his right hand. In the next shot facing Jake just before shouts, "I don't have the handle, open the lock!" Francis's gloved left hand is empty, and next shot, the gun can be seen in his right hand. (00:01:45)

Super Grover

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Data: Holy S-H-I-T!

More quotes from The Goonies

Trivia: When Chunk calls the police the officer mentions 'those little creatures that multiply when touched by water'. This is of course Gremlins, which was also executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Corey Feldman has a role.

More trivia for The Goonies

Question: Can someone please translate into English what Data says after he says "Wow!"?

Answer: He says, "He is a big strong man."

More questions & answers from The Goonies

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