The Godfather: Part III

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Joey Zaza is murdered, one of his henchmen gets gunned down with a shotgun. Just before the blast hits him, the side of one of the wooden street stalls magically changes to a breakaway so he can crash through it dramatically, instead of just slumping down against it as he would in reality.

The Godfather: Part III mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Zasa's two henchmen try to kill Vincent and he shoots the second one through the hand, you see a bulge in the guy's palm just before it explodes to create a 'hole'. (00:34:30)


Continuity mistake: When Michael enters the room where he sees Kay looking nostalgically at the old photos, he is carrying and offers to her pieces of cake from a cake that hasn't even been cut yet. They are the exact size and dimension of the cake slices that will betaken from the celebration cake which is not cut until several scenes later.

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Trivia: In New York, Vincent is showing Mary the old olive company where Don Vito Corleone once worked and then owned. An elderly white-haired lady with a friend comes up and greets them, and tells Vincent about the troubles of the neighborhood. That lady is played by Catherine Scorsese, mother of Martin Scorsese.

Allister Cooper, 2011

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Question: At the meeting in Atlantic City, what's with the dons passing around and taking from the platter of jewelry?

Answer: It shows you how greedy they are even as they've made it to the zenith of their criminal careers. That's why you see Michael pass it on disgustedly and stare blankly into the ether. Michael's goal was never to be the boss or capo di tutti capi, he only did it to protect his father and then his family, his main goal. And at that moment he realises he's never getting out. He's a business man in a world of criminals (which he is himself).

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