The Game

Revealing mistake: When Nick is being followed by the PI, several times Nick's speedometer is seen to be at zero. (00:58:40)

Plot hole: When Nick confronts the P.I. and yells "Why are you following me?", he looks inside the car and see the file with his picture on the front seat. The P.I. notices this and turns the file over. After Nick grabs his gun, the P.I. jumps out on the other side, raises his hands in the air and tells him someone hired him and runs off. As the P.I. runs off, Nick yells "Who hired you?" as he stands alone next to the car. He then waits a minute and walks off. If he really wanted to know more information, he could have taken the file that was right in front of him on the carseat. It makes no sense that he is desperate for information about the strange events that are going on, sees this file on him, and yet doesn't even pick it up or look at it. (00:59:55)

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Trivia: Director David Fincher has admitted since the release of "The Game" that he wasn't pleased with the way the third act of the film turned out and he believes he probably shouldn't have made the film. He said that he and the writers had trouble coming up with a satisfactory ending, and that his longtime girlfriend and producing partner Ceán Chaffin tried to persuade him to drop out of the project as a result. He was quoted as saying: "We didn't figure out the third act, and it was my fault, because I thought if you could just keep your foot on the throttle it would be liberating and funny."

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Chosen answer: Nope. It was deliberately left vague.


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