For Your Eyes Only

Revealing mistake: When "Mac" is told by the captain of St. George's to destruct the ATAC system, an explosion occurs and he gets thrown to the ground. When this happens, you can see that the man playing Mac is his stunt double.

Revealing mistake: Many of the underwater close up shots are done with a fish tank in front of the camera and bubbles superimposed where the actors' breathing apparatus should be, but the location of the bubbles isn't always correct. This is obvious in the first underwater diving scene at the archaeological dig with Bond and Melina. In some shots the bubbles appear to come from her hand instead of her regulator. The position of her hand matches the location of the regulator in close ups of Bond. (01:21:10)


Revealing mistake: When Bond enters Q branch, he is met by a technician with a false broken right arm. After saying "Coming along very nicely sir" the arm then swings to the technicians' right breaking the head of the dummy. This then reveals the arm of the technician, who then holds his hands suggesting the false arm is a 'Spy Gadget'. You can see that the revealed hand is not that of the actor but of someone stood behind the set wall. The actor has used his real arm to carry out the effect, and then clasped the hand of the extra person. This is supported by the fact the arm movement can be seen through the shirt, the skin complexion of the hand is completely different to the actor, the arm looks like he is being hugged, when he puts his hands together it is not natural, and as they move away he moves his right shoulder up and the 'third' arm remains in place.

John Hancocks

Revealing mistake: When Apostis kicks Bond in the face when he reaches the top of the cliff, you can see it is not Roger Moore but his stunt double.

Revealing mistake: When Bond attacks the ice hockey player in yellow with his stick during the fight at the hockey rink, you can see the player reacts to being hit just before the stick makes contact.

Revealing mistake: When Locque kills Countess Lisl by running her over in his dune buggy, look in the cockpit and you can see that the driver is not Michael Gothard but his stunt double.

Revealing mistake: Kristatos wants to run over Bond and Melina by boat, after he took the Atac. Bond and the girl swim to the sea floor, waiting till Kristatos is gone. You can see the (shadow of) the anchor hanging on the left side of the ship. But in the previous scene, you will notice the anchor is in the middle, on deck! And second: these kind of (speed)boats do not have an anchor attached below the water line, because it will reduce the speed. Conclusion: the underwater scene is fake.

Vince van Riet

Plot hole: Bond makes a huge tactical error after diving to the St. Georges. He knows the Russians and their operatives are after the ATAC. The ATAC itself is expendable to Britain, since it has a self-destruct mechanism that, under proper procedure, would have been set off when the ship sank. So why is Bond trying to retrieve it? Because he disarms the self-destruct, he actually allows Kristatos to get his hands on it, forcing Bond to track it down again and, to stop the Russians from getting it, HE DESTROYS IT! So why doesn't Bond, instead of disarming the self-destruct, set a timed charge or toss a grenade in the room to destroy the ATAC while it's at the bottom of the sea? The answer is, of course, that if Bond destroys the ATAC before the bad guys can get at it, the movie's over. Even so, at the end, when Bond finally does destroy the ATAC, he tells Gogol it's "detente. You don't have it. I don't have it." Clever line, but it reinforces the fact that the British don't need it. They can build another one.


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James Bond: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Q: That's putting it mildly, 007.

More quotes from For Your Eyes Only

Trivia: Michael G. Wilson, producer of many of the Bond films and stepson of Cubby Broccoli, appears in a number of films in a cameo role. In "For Your Eyes Only", he plays a Greek priest in the scene when Bond meets with "Q" in a church.

More trivia for For Your Eyes Only

Question: What exactly happens in the opening? I'm assuming Blofeld is the one Bond kills, but what was the point of it? Was it just to answer the question about what happened to him? And why was his face not shown?

Answer: The producers of the film had a falling out with Kevin McClory, who had the rights to the character of Blofeld. They decided to kill off Blofeld to show McClory that the films could manage fine without the character. Obviously, without McClory's permission they couldn't go so far as to say that the guy in the wheelchair is actually Blofeld, otherwise they'd get into legal bother, so they just left it to fans to assume that's who it is.


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