Flight of the Navigator

Factual error: When the alien craft speeds away from the NASA base, its slipstream tears off the roof of a small booth. But the wake also should sweep the people in its flight path down to the ground; it is too close for that not to happen.

Factual error: When the ship goes straight up 20 miles, the ship is in space with the curvature of the Earth and atmostphere visible. 20 miles is just over 100,000 feet. He would have to have gone over 50 miles up to reach space.

William Bergquist

Factual error: After David's ship breaks free and exits the hangar, he orders Max to take him 20 miles away. Back at the tracking room a technician informs Dr. Faraday that the ship has gone 20 miles straight up, but the target altitude indicated on the screen reads 184,800 feet - more than a 35 mile distance. (00:52:00)


Flight of the Navigator mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In a matter of 15 seconds between David's ship exiting the hangar and shooting 20 miles upwards into space, shadows on the ground indicate very different positions of the sun. (00:51:05)


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Max: I do not leak, you leak.

More quotes from Flight of the Navigator

Trivia: Joey Cramer sadly grew up to have problems with the law. He was jailed for possessing drugs in 2008, and jailed again in 2016 for a bank robbery.


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Question: Paul Ruebens does the voice of Max but why in the credits does it say that the voice of Max was done by Paul Mall?

Answer: According to IMDB, Paul Mall is just another one of his names people know him by.

Sir William

Answer: It was Paul Reubens' idea to use a pseudonym, so as to keep the voice of Max a mystery and to surprise any fans of his.


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