Falling Down

Other mistake: In the 15th minute, in the scene where the two gangsters first spot Michael Douglas, one is smoking a cigarette and smokes it backwards. The tan filter is visible on the end of the cigarette.

Other mistake: From the front, D-fens' ex-wife's home is shown as being one house left of the beach. When the officers are in the back of the house, there are neighbors living to the right of the house, where the beach should be. (01:30:20 - 01:37:05)

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Nick: We're the same, you and me. We're the same, don't you see?
Bill Foster: We are not the same. I'm an American and you're a sick asshole.
Nick: Just what kind of vigilante are you?
Bill Foster: I am not a vigilante. I am just trying to get home to my little girl's birthday party and if everyone will just stay out of my way, nobody will get hurt.

More quotes from Falling Down

Trivia: When D-Fens notices the protester outside the bank, the protester is wearing the exact same clothes Bill is wearing, even down the pattern on his tie.

Cubs Fan

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Question: Why does the Beggar throw the apple at D-fens? I found it odd since he just gave him a briefcase and a lunch.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because the beggar thought there would be items of value in the briefcase and he was frustrated that there was nothing in there. So in frustration he threw the apple at D-Fens.


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