
Continuity mistake: During the cemetery scene where they visit the son's grave, you see a wide shot of them walking between the stones. There are leaves on the trees and neatly trimmed grass. When we see a close up of the stone and the plaque in the ground, a hand reaches down to brush the leaves off so they can read it, and there are dead leaves all around - but there were no leaves on the ground in the wide shot.

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the prison breakout, when Dubov falls over the railing after being shot, in the first overhead shot he falls backwards, but next shot he falls forward (chest down). (01:11:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Troy (as Travolta) is about to defuse the bomb, watch the timer, it goes down too slowly for the time elapsed. It shows 1:14 and 28 seconds later it only shows 1:04, not 0:46 as it should. (00:58:45)

Ronnie Bischof

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Castor arrives at the airport, behind him there is a parked car in front of the building which on it reads "Welcome to Southern California International Airport", that disappears and reappears.

Ronnie Bischof

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sean types "case closed" on Castor's file, Dr. Miller walks into Sean's office and holds out Pollux's Zip Disk for Sean to take. In the next close-up, the Zip Disk has flipped over and faces the opposite way.

Super Grover

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Archer gets into the chopper and takes off, the next shot is of the chopper flying towards the camera and it is not Archer who is flying it - the chopper pilot wears head gear and a mic. (00:11:40)

Super Grover

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the incident with Karl, when Castor (as Sean Archer) and Jamie are in the living room, he opens the cigarette case and offers her one. The way he holds the case noticeably differs between shots.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Castor (as Sean Archer) grabs the speargun shaft before it can unload, he takes a piece of glass and begins to cut his face. The broken glass has a small circular piece missing from the edge, but from a different camera angle that small piece is more intact than the previous shot. (02:09:15)

Super Grover

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Castor Troy (as Sean Archer) says, "Every time you'll look in the mirror, you'll see my face," he proceeds to cut his face. The first cut he makes is straight down the side of his right cheek (viewer's left) and later that cut is curved and closer to his nose. This may appear to be a mistake at first glance; however, Castor's facial expression is different in the two images. When he made the cut, the cheeks were pulled away from the nose; in the second photo, the muscles are relaxed, moving the cut closer to the nose. (02:09:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the hangar, when Castor Troy is blown backwards in the turbo tunnel he hits the wire gate, and the metal bar, about 3-4 ft long, breaks off and begins to fall with him. Next shot, he lands on the floor, but the long bar does not. It just disappears. (00:17:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After the surgery, when Sean (as Castor Troy) breaks the center mirror of the tri-fold mirror, what remains are the two side mirrors and white backing within the center frame. When Tito grabs him as he starts cursing, in these close-ups the reflections seen are as if all three sides are still intact. (00:37:15)

Super Grover

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the runway pursuit, there is a shot from behind Castor Troy as he fires on Sean's chopper, and there are four bullet holes on the windshield. In Sean's close-up the four bullet holes change position.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Cage is rolling down the runway he appears to be controlling the direction of the aircraft by turning the yoke. An aircraft is controlled on the ground via rudder (vertical stabiliser) controlled by the feet of the pilot, and nosewheel steering, also controlled by the feet (rudder pedals) of the pilot (sometimes also with a steering wheel on the side of the cockpit). Moving the yoke simply alters the position of the ailerons, which will not steer the aircraft on the ground.

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Sean tries to prevent the jet from taking off, in the exterior long shots of the aircraft there are windshield wipers over two of the cockpit's windows, but in the exterior closeups such as when Castor brings Winters into the cockpit the wipers are gone. (00:06:35 - 00:10:20)

Super Grover

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the speedboat at the end of the movie when Archer and Troy fly through the air, you can see foam on their clothes even though in the next scene their clothes are dry. (02:02:25)


Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Cage and Travolta are fighting on the dock, Cage stabs Travolta with the speargun (before he fires it). If you look at the spear after Travolta is stabbed, there is blood on it. Then in the next shot, the spear is suddenly clean.

Continuity mistake: At their home, when Sean tells Eve that he has one last assignment we see his scar. At the Walsh Institute, before the surgery, there is another close-up of the scar, but it differs from the previous shot. (00:30:20 - 00:33:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the office, when Sean is given the bottle of wine for a job well done, the way the bottle is held, first by the assistant and then by Sean, differs between shots. (00:20:40)

Super Grover

Face/Off mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the L.A. Convention Center, just before Castor Troy (as Sean Archer) disarms the bomb, there are a few shots of all the extras evacuating the area. In the interior shot, that looks out through the glass doors onto the street, the tracking crane arm with a seated camera operator and camera on its platform is visible as it shoots an exterior crane shot of all the extras, which was seen among the previous shots.

Super Grover

More mistakes in Face/Off

Castor Troy: Lies, deceit, mixed messages... This is turning into a real marriage.

More quotes from Face/Off

Trivia: John Woo fought to keep the slash in the title, so moviegoers wouldn't think it was a film about hockey.

More trivia for Face/Off

Question: Why did Castor shoot Dietrich? They were on the same side.


Chosen answer: Although they were on the same side, Troy is currently posing as Archer, which means he would have to do everything that the FBI would expect Archer to be doing. The whole point of the raid was to take out Archer, as well as Troy's gang. He would have rather risked killing part of his own gang than risk exposing his identity to anyone else.

Casual Person

That doesn't really make sense. In the scene, he goes out of his way to shoot him and smiles while doing so, carefully and slowly. Was not a collateral damage situation. The question is why he deliberately goes out of his way to kill him.

Answer: If you watch closely, he saw Archer, went out of his way not to shoot him, instead was aiming for his own son that he didn't know was his, to further traumatize Archer.

More questions & answers from Face/Off

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