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Visible crew/equipment: At the L.A. Convention Center, just before Castor Troy (as Sean Archer) disarms the bomb, there are a few shots of all the extras evacuating the area. In the interior shot, that looks out through the glass doors onto the street, the tracking crane arm with a seated camera operator and camera on its platform is visible as it shoots an exterior crane shot of all the extras, which was seen among the previous shots.

Super Grover

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Castor Troy: Lies, deceit, mixed messages... This is turning into a real marriage.

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Trivia: John Woo fought to keep the slash in the title, so moviegoers wouldn't think it was a film about hockey.

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Question: Why were Pollux and Archer sent straight to prison without a trial?


Chosen answer: It's obvious that enough time hasn't passed for a trial of such magnitude to take place, meaning that the brothers have been remanded in custody to await trial. They should have been arraigned but we don't see that onscreen.

Answer: The speech Walton gives when Archer arrives implies it's a top secret Guantanamo Bay type of prison where due process doesn't exist.

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