I, Robot

I, Robot (2004)

68 corrected entries

(9 votes)

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, Spooner turns on his CD player-ish thing and the music starts (timestamp at 0:00). Two or three seconds later (with no interruption in the music), the player is seen again, showing a timestamp of 10 seconds.


Correction: 8 seconds elapse from when Spooner hits play to when we see the music player with the timestamp (not 2 or 3 seconds). When we first see the timestamp, it reads 0:08, then continues to count up to 0:10, but we see it go from 0:08 to 0:09 then to 0:10.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Sonny jumps out of the bin and knocks Spooner's gun out of his hand, he then picks it up and points it at him. As he turns to run toward the hole in the window, the gun is not in his hand during the slow motion scene of him running, but it magically reappears in his hand as he is flying out the window.

Correction: You see the gun in his right hand the whole time. From when he flips, runs, and jumps. Even when the camera angle changes you can see the shadow of the gun when its body is blocking the view of its hand.


Corrected entry: When Del gets to the police station after the bag snatch, John says to him, "Lead by example. Says that on your badge," but when he uses his badge to scan into USR, there's nothing like that on it.

Correction: His comment is correct as the center crest does say "lead by example" in Latin.

Corrected entry: In the scenes where Lanning's house is being demolished with Spooner still inside, on two occasions Spooner scoops up Lanning's cat while running. First, cats are terrified of loud noise and the cat would have bolted as soon as the demo robot turned on with the floodlights shining through the windows. Also, no terrified cat would be OK with being held the way Spooner (a total stranger) was holding the cat while running. The cat would have clawed at Spooner until Spooner let it go.

Correction: Cats don't always just bolt when they are startled. I own 2 cats and they will often just freeze in one spot, looking scared, when they hear a loud noise. Also, the cat won't automatically scratch at someone who picks them up. Cat's aren't robots and there is no rule to say how a cat will react under stress or fear. The 2 cats I have react very differently from one another.


Corrected entry: When Spooner gets out of his car after it crashes, he kicks out the driver's side door. But, when the robot throws the car at him, the door is back.


Correction: The door that Spooner kicks out is actually the passenger door (since the car is upside-down). The door that is "back" is the driver's door which is still intact. You can see the passenger door is still missing through the vehicle's absent windows.

Corrected entry: When Spooner looks at Lanning's body then looks up, there is a big robot statue in the lobby. When he looks around the lobby, at other times throughout the movie, there is no robot and sometimes VIKI is also in the lobby, because they only have one.

Correction: VIKI and the location of the Robot are at separate ends of the building, the robot being in the front-end of the lobby. VIKI and most of the lobby the film takes place in happens behind the robot, and behind a large glass screen.

Corrected entry: At the start of the film when Del and Calvin are in Dr Lanning's office, we see Del go to the window and pick up a book from a chair, if you notice the chair has no handles at the sides, yet the next time we see it, it has handles. (00:17:55)


Correction: As Del picks up the book you can actually see part of the right side handle. It is just the camera angle and the fact that the handle has a 90 degree bend at the bottom that could make it look like the handle wasn't there.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film when Del turns on his CD player, it lights up blue as you can see, but a few shots later with the music still playing, if you look behind him at the CD player its now off. (00:02:20 - 00:02:55)


Correction: When he turns the CD player on, it lights up so he can see the display, to decide if he wants to switch tracks, change volume, etc. After perhaps 30 seconds of no activity, the light shuts off. Both my cellphone and my car do this.

Corrected entry: When the Demolition Robot is destroying Dr. Lanning's house and Spooner leaps out of the house. You see his car being hit with several pieces of debris, yet later on in the movie it appears as if the car doesn't even have a scratch from the debris.

Correction: His car is most likely armored and although it might have some scratches, the Audi's shell is a silvery-white meaning light would have to hit it at a certain angle to reflect the scratches. Besides, in all of the time elapsing between the next time he uses the car, he could've had it taken to a body shop to perfect it.

Corrected entry: After Del has been to the Lake Michigan landfill site and the NS-5s start to attack, he jumps back onto his bike and flicks his left foot up to engage gear. The gears on the bike are 1 down 4 up, so 1st would have been better than 2nd for a fast escape.

Correction: This is a character mistake. What a character "should have" done is not a movie mistake. Del simply was too panicked to think and put the bike into 2nd rather than 1st.


Corrected entry: When Spooner first meets Sonny in the doctor's office, he pulls the gun from his shoulder holster, but Sonny kicks it from his hand & takes it when he jumps out of the bin. Subsequently, Spooner pulls smaller gun from his ankle holster to shoot at Sonny as he jumps out the window. Once Spooner gets to the ground floor, however his ankle gun has grown in size so that he has to put it back in his shoulder holster. Spooner then picks up the original shoulder holster gun from the ground where Sonny drops it and just carries it off.

Correction: We don't really see the size of the gun that he stows in the shoulder holster. We just see him going through the motions of putting a gun there. It is likely that it would be easier for him to do this, rather than halt his pursuit to bend down and return the gun to the ankle holster.

Corrected entry: The nanites are protected by a very powerful force field, as evident by what happened to the robot Sonny throws at it. Additionally even though we don't actually see Sonny remove the nanites from the force field, we are told by V.I.K.I that she will not deactivate the field. Obviously Sonny cannot deactivate it or he would have done so before reaching in. So even though Sonny would be able to survive the trip through the force field the cylinder would not because even if the metal part was made of the same super strong alloy as Sonny the clear part is not.

Correction: As shown during that scene, that the "force field" cannot penetrate Sonny's metal alloy (i.e cannot pass through his hand/arm. Therefore all Sonny had to do was to hold the container with both hands to protect it from the "force field" since his hands are impenetratable.


Corrected entry: Early in the film, a view from Mr Robertson's office shows the Chicago skyline and a big blue body of water at the edge of the city (presumably Lake Michigan). Yet later twice Will Smith is shown at the bridge ruin with the plaque saying "this was Lake Michigan" and the lake bed seems to be dried up and all sand, no water.

Correction: In the scene where Spooner's in Robertson's office and the skyline is shown to be blue, then later at the bridge it's a wasteland, it's not certain where that bridge is, since it overlooks the place where they dump the obsolete robots. It also isn't known that the blue in the skyline is in fact, Lake Michigan. The entire area where the bridge is and the dump site, could be miles from the water.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Del goes to Dr. Lannings house, he parks his car in the courtyard and waits for the door to fully open before getting out (which takes a few seconds, as the door opens rather slowly). He then begins to walk up a nearby flight of stairs while the car door is about half-shut. But then we see an immediate shot with his car in the background, and the door is shut completely, something that would have taken a few more seconds to do.

Correction: The scene where Spooner goes to Lannings house, and get out of the car, he gets out once the door has opened enough, then the door begins to close. When he ascends the stairs the door's halfway closed, it's possible for the door to be fully cloed by the time it's seen again in the background.

Corrected entry: During the car/robot chase, the robots punch out the entire windshield. About 30 seconds later, however, the robots punch out some more windshield.(look closely at the right passenger top corner).

Correction: In the scene where Spooner gets attacked by the robots while driving, they don't punch out the entire windshield. They only punch out the part where he is. Then later in the scene they punch out the passenger part, and one more part close to Spooner.

Corrected entry: When Del Spooner shoots Sunny in the leg and Sunny runs out of the building, Spooner runs out to see where Sunny has gone. You can see Spooner's gun from a distance but no robot blood. In the close up shot you can see the robot blood leading up to the gun.

Correction: Sonny doesn't actually start "bleeding" until right before he drops the gun. When we see Dr. Calvin kneel down and inspect the blood, there is no blood on the ground anywhere behind her, so it would have been hard to make out from a distance. If you look at the scene frame-by-frame, you can see evidence of there being blood on the ground near the gun in one of the lead-up shots (it is very vague though, because of the blue tint of the blood).

Corrected entry: When Del Spooner was trying to escape attack from the NS-5s in the tunnel, he was flipped upside down and sent skidding across the ground. When he came to a stop, the car was rocking on its roof and we can see that it tips from side to side too fast, and the sounds heard from it rocking, show that it is rather light and hollow.

Correction: Well, the movie is set in the future, it's quite possible that they have invented new alloys that are quite light.


Corrected entry: In the scene when Del is about to chase after the robot that is running with the purse, he has pie, and says for a man to hold it or wear it. When we first see the man, he has a briefcase. But in the next shot, however, he has no briefcase, and in the shot after that, it is nowhere to be seen.

Correction: The man is holding the briefcase in his left hand. When the man takes the pie from Del we barely see the thumb side of his left hand so we can't assume the briefcase is gone. In the next scene when Del jumps the fence to begin his chase of the robot, we see the man turn to his right and the briefcase is visible in his left hand.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Del Spooner was attacked by NS-5s from the carrier vehicles, he tried to fight for control while trying to get rid of the robots. When the car skidded from side to side, we can hear that the screeching sounds created are similar to tires rubbing on the ground. It is impossible for Del Spooner's car to make the screeching noise as the bottom is entirely metal as seen in the next scene, and that the car is itself levitating.

Correction: The car is not levitating - it uses four spherical tyres which can be seen protruding through the bottom of the car. It's these that are making the screeching noises.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Dr. Calvin is about to "terminate" Sonny, she is walking in a full circle around the chair Sonny is on, and walks through a cable connected to the chair. This is when Dr. Lannings starts to narrate, "There have always been ghosts of machines." (01:16:55)

Correction: There are actually several cables banded together and the bundle lies on the floor. Dr. Calvin clearly steps OVER the bundle as she walks around the chair.

Tax Dude

Revealing mistake: Just before entering Robertson's office after climbing the stairs, Spooner is behind Sonny with a flashlight. The light shines on Sonny's back and the door, but Sonny does not cast a shadow.


More mistakes in I, Robot

Detective Spooner: Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful painting?
Sonny: Can you?

More quotes from I, Robot

Trivia: Often times when a movie is distributed the name of the movie on the actual can is changed or altered to prevent piracy. The name on this movie was "Hal," a reference to "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968).

Johny English

More trivia for I, Robot

Question: Did or didn't Sonny kill Lanning? If he did, how did he do it? What was the promise he had to give?

Answer: Sonny killed Lanning. Lanning had designed Sonny with the ability to opt out of the Three Laws when he deemed it absolutely necessary. Lanning forced Sonny to promise to do Lanning a favor, then told him the favor was to throw Lanning out the window. Forced to keep his word by Lanning's own programming, Sonny overrode the Three Laws and tossed Lanning out the window.


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