Evil Dead II

Stupidity: When Bobbi Jo sees Ash's severed possessed hand holding her hand, she freaks out and runs out of the cabin and then gets killed by possessed trees. While it's certainly natural for her to be terrified, why would she run AWAY from where all her friends are and go off by herself?

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Suggested correction: She is a civilian in a blind panic, and even people with actual training have done dumber in panics (e.g., choking firefighters run away from other firefighters who could help them). She also has no idea how dangerous the woods are at this point; she walked to the cabin just fine and only saw scary things inside it, so she thinks she'll be fine if she just runs from the cabin.

Anson Gordon-Creed

Visible crew/equipment: When Ash is being sucked into the vortex at the end of the film, as he flies through the forest you can see the harness and wire attached to him, making him fly. (01:15:15)


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Ash: Hey, what do you say we have some champagne, huh, baby?
Linda: Sure.
Ash: After all, I'm a man and you're a woman... At least last time I checked. Huh huh.

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Trivia: When Ash is possessed of the evil presence and beats up the girl, he throws her on the couch and chuckles evilly (or hornily, same dif). He is stopped from committing further molestation by the sight of that ugly piece of jewelry that he gave to Linda earlier. When the necklace gets a closeup, the chain forms the outline of a skull.

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Question: If this movie is a sequel to the first Evil Dead, how come it only shows Ash and Linda driving up to the cabin and not the other friends? Also, why does it show Ash playing the recording and not Scotty, like in the first film?

Answer: Sam Rami could not get the footage of Evil Dead to use in the sequel, so he remade the movie in a shortened form for the beginning. Since Linda was the only original character other than Ash to come back he included her in the recap but deleted the others as not to waste time. An in universe answer could be that trauma of losing his friends made Ash block them out and rewrite history in his head, except for Linda who comes back to haunt him in the movie so he is forced to deal with it.

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