Die Hard 2
Die Hard 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the skywalk scene, when McClane pushes the paint stand on the terrorist, it is quite obvious that they use a dummy when the paint stand falls on the terrorist and crushes him. (00:45:05)

Die Hard 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Obvious stunt double for the black terrorist during the fight with McClane in the baggage area. He looks younger than him and has a different hairstyle. (00:14:10)

Die Hard 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: On one of the first shots of inside Holly's plane, you can see the blue screens through the windows. No, it's not blue sky, in all the following shots the sky outside is orange. (00:16:30)

Die Hard 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Throughout the whole movie, bits of 'snow' stuck to various things in close up view (i.e. guns, hair, faces, clothing). Look closely at the snow, its quite obvious that they are actually little thin scraps of white plastic. Most evident is in McClane's hair when the platoon is about to move in on the church, the shot of him saying "You're not such an asshole, after all." (01:27:55)


Revealing mistake: When the army guy opens the door on the 747 to climb out onto the wing, the outside door handle does not move and looks painted on. When the second guy re-enters the plane and shuts the same door, there is no locking mechanism shown on the sides of the door; it simply pushes open.

Revealing mistake: When the soldier is lighting General Esperanza's cigar while Esperanza is still a prisoner in transport, the cigar is visibly already lit before the soldier's lighter brushes over the cigar. (00:24:30)

Revealing mistake: Right after they realise they have to get the planes in a holding pattern to clear the runways of snow, you can see a shot of Holly's plane. This is a model (Look at the clouds; they don't change shape that fast) and the fact that the lights on the wings are flipped. The right wing always has a green light, the left wing always has a red light. In this shot, the lights are reversed but not the logo. So it's not a mirrored image; it is a model. Also the lights on the top are LEDs in a strip. (00:27:38)


Revealing mistake: When the terrorists cut the pipes with wires behind the church, one guy uses a chainsaw, and the pipes he cuts are all empty.


Die Hard 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: McClane jumps out of the helicopter at the end and lands on the wing of the larger airplane. The stunt man who does this then proceeds to move up to a long wire on the side of the wing. Any normal airplane would not have a long wire on the wing.


Factual error: It is impossible for a stream of burning jet fuel to follow a plane through snow and catch up. Not only is jet fuel extremely hard to ignite, almost as soon as the plane was off the ground the fuel stream would be too dispersed for the flame to climb up into the tank, and even if not it wouldn't burn fast enough to catch the plane.

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McClane: Hey, don't I know you?
Col. Stuart: No, I get that a lot. I've been on TV.
McClane: Yeah, me too.


More quotes from Die Hard 2

Trivia: The film is based on a book called "58 Minutes" by Walter Wager. In the book, it is the hero's young daughter, not his wife, that is on one of the planes.

Mark Bernhard

More trivia for Die Hard 2

Question: Why was McClane introduced in the first Die Hard movie as a New York badge, and in the second Die Hard movie as a L.A. badge? Then in the third Die Hard movie, he's again a New York cop.

Answer: In the first movie he's a New York cop visiting his wife. In the second Die Hard, he tells the airport officer that he's LAPD and moved there because of his wife's job. In the third Die Hard film, he most likely went back to New York because of marital problems and became a New York cop again.

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