Diamonds Are Forever

Revealing mistake: During the fight between Bond and Peter Franks in the elevator, if you watch carefully when Bond hits Franks' wrist with the door while he is holding the glass shard, Franks drop the glass shard before his wrist gets hit a second time.

Revealing mistake: When Bert Saxby is shot there is no hole in his shirt, only painted on fake blood.

Revealing mistake: When the row of missiles blow up near the end, not only are the effects bad but the amount of smoke shown is cartoonish and the missiles are still intact afterwards.

Revealing mistake: When Mr Wint puts the scorpion down the back of the doctor's shirt while he is looking at Mr Kidd's wisdom teeth, the scorpion is made of plastic and not a real one.

Revealing mistake: When Mrs Whistler's body is being removed from the canal in Amsterdam, it's clear in the long shot that it is just a dummy.

Revealing mistake: When Bond knocks Blofeld unconscious with a lamp in the fight at the start of the film, look carefully and you can see that Blofeld is already knocked out before the lamp comes into contact with his head.

Revealing mistake: When Bond hoists Mr. Wint overboard with the bomb tied to his coat-tails, Mr. Wint is not Bruce Glover but a stunt double.

Continuity mistake: When Bond escapes from the Willard Whyte facility in the desert in the moon buggy, a car that is chasing him goes over a ridge and turns on its side, as the buggy speeds by. A wheel rolls back into the shot, all on its own. It doesn't belong to the car or the three-wheelers also chasing, but looks like it belongs to the buggy, which has its full complement of wheels all through the scene.

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Plenty: Hi, I'm Plenty.
James Bond: But of course you are.
Plenty: Plenty O'Toole.
James Bond: Named after your father, perhaps?

More quotes from Diamonds Are Forever

Trivia: The actor who played the real Willard White (not a Blofeld copy) is Jimmy Dean, of Breakfast Sausage fame.

Mark English

More trivia for Diamonds Are Forever

Question: Where were the diamonds hidden on Frank's body?

Answer: Bond's answer to Felix at customs is "alimentary, Mr. Leiter". As in the alimentary canal of a human.

Answer: They were hidden IN Frank's body.

Zwn Annwn

More questions & answers from Diamonds Are Forever

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