Detroit Rock City

Question: What is the riff played in the scene where the guys are about to attack the Stella's brother beside the road (e.g. one of them takes off his belt and Jam takes out his drumsticks)?

Answer: It is the intro to Black Sabbath's "Iron Man".


Continuity mistake: When Beth and Jam hit heads to pick up his drumstick, she is holding the stick in her right hand. Then next scene, she's rubbing her head with her right hand and holding the stick in her left hand. Then they go back to the original scene and she hands him the drumstick with her right hand.

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Chongo: This guy giving you shit, bro?
Little Kid: Yeah, he was going to mug me for my kiss ticket.
Trip: What! That's insane, I said "Hey, little kid, you know where I could take a piss?"

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