
Other mistake: When the real First Lady and the fake President emerge from the secret passageway leading to the fountain, there is an extremely bad process shot of the White House, which jumps visibly. (01:06:10)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film, Dave Kovic addresses Congress, just before he has his "second stroke." The camera often shows the congressman in their seats, as well as shots which show the balcony, where spectators and the press sit. If you watch closely you'll note that in some shots the balcony is jammed packed with people and in others it is completely empty. (01:31:20)

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Alan Reed: Bob, at some point we're gonna have to call the Vice President.
Bob Alexander: Don't call the Vice President.
Alan Reed: What?
Bob Alexander: Just don't call him, Al.
Alan Reed: The guy's in a coma, Bob.
Bob Alexander: I don't give a shit.
Alan Reed: Bob.
Bob Alexander: This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me, just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.

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Trivia: Director Oliver Stone has a cameo as the man who tries to convince the reporter that the president is not the same man as he used to be.

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Chosen answer: Dave and the First Lady snuck out of the White House via a secret underground route which Dave, inexplicably, knew about but the First Lady didn't. The passage led them from inside the White House to an outside location, nearby where Duane of Dave's secret service detail had left a car for them to use. It's still implausible that they could circumvent the remaining Secret Service in making their sojourn, but that is the disbelief that we, the audience, are asked to suspend for the sake of advancing the plot. Upon returning, the couple drive up to the entry gate, where the guard, seeing whom he believes to be the President and First Lady, lets them return to the house. Their only explanation?"The President wanted some ice cream." The MORE implausible question would be how the guard simply trusts that two look-alikes driving up to the White House unattended in a non-government car with a lame excuse would simply let the two pass without consulting the secret service, who should have informed him of the President's comings and goings?

Michael Albert

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