
Dave (1993)


(3 votes)

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Dave Kovic: She's great. She's really exotic! She's a princess! She's Polynesian - well, half Polynesian, and half American. She's... Amnesian.

Alan Reed: Bob, at some point we're gonna have to call the Vice President.
Bob Alexander: Don't call the Vice President.
Alan Reed: What?
Bob Alexander: Just don't call him, Al.
Alan Reed: The guy's in a coma, Bob.
Bob Alexander: I don't give a shit.
Alan Reed: Bob.
Bob Alexander: This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me, just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.

Bob Alexander: What do you think you're doing?
Dave: What? Oh, you mean the press conference. I had a couple of ideas that I wanted to share with the country.
Bob Alexander: Share? Share? You don't call a press conference. I call a press conference. You're nothing. Do you understand? You're nobody.
Dave: I'm not nobody.
Bob Alexander: You're lint! You're a flea! You're a blip.
Dave: Well... maybe I am. But you're fired.

Ellen Mitchell: Why couldn't you die from a stroke like everyone else?

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when the president lands in the helicopter, the shots go back and forth between the rotors spinning, and the rotors stopped. (00:02:10)

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Trivia: Director Oliver Stone has a cameo as the man who tries to convince the reporter that the president is not the same man as he used to be.

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Answer: I have repeatedly told people he wore a sweater. There has to be one, more original, that has him in a sweater. I remember almost like a Easter yellow.

It should be noted Rhames does wear what looks like a yellow sweater in "Pulp Fiction." Although I wouldn't call it Easter Yellow.


I saw Ving Rhames in a navy crewneck sweater in the closing shots of this film.

I also can swear I saw an ending with Ving Rhames wearing a sweater. This would be in keeping with Klein asking him earlier in the film if he ever wears sweaters.

Answer: My wife and I also believe that Agent Duane Stevenson wore a sweater at the end of the movie on the VHS version. The DVD version switched Duane with suit, white shirt and tie - no sweater.

Answer: I saw Ving Rhames in a navy crewneck sweater at the end of movie shot.

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