
Revealing mistake: When Matrix sends Sully to his death by dropping him off the edge of the cliff, in the shot of Sully falling it is an obvious dummy. (00:39:20)

Revealing mistake: Just before we see the boat explode at the start, a wire/cable holding the boat in place can be seen at the bottom of the screen. (00:04:10)


Revealing mistake: When Matrix reaches Arius' mansion (in actuality the Harold Lloyd Estate), he is rushed at by several soldiers of Arius' private army and starts shooting at them with his RPK. In one shot from Matrix's rear we can see him shooting four soldiers at the same time. However, the two soldiers on the far left drop dead even though Matrix is aiming his weapon to the right. (01:11:40)


Factual error: If the access hatch to the nose wheel well on an airliner was opened at any time during the flight, every alarm panel in the cockpit would light up like a Christmas tree. In this case happening within seconds of takeoff the pilot would immediately declare an emergency, turn around and land at the airport he had just left. (00:22:10)

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Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

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Question: The villain's whole plan was to force John Matrix to kill some foreign president by holding his daughter hostage. So why at the beginning were they killing members of his unit? That seemed rather pointless to me.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: They didn't know where Matrix lived. They were killing Matrix's old unit because they knew if they did General Kirby would make physical contact with Matrix to warn him. They simply followed Kirby to Matrix's home.


Answer: To flush him out into the open. By killing his unit it will make it more likely he will want revenge and come out into the open making him a target.


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