Commando mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Cindy fires the second rocket at the truck, you can see the explosive device on the road next to the truck just before it gets hit. (00:54:20)


Continuity mistake: Just as Matrix says about growing up in East Germany, his daughter has her hand on a glass of juice. However, as the shot changes, she is now holding her sandwich with two hands. (00:07:40)


Audio problem: When Cooke enters the motel room, the sound of the first hit that Matrix gives him happens a split second before the fist makes contact. (00:44:00)

Revealing mistake: As Matrix's truck crashes at the bottom of the hill, you can see smoke coming out the tail pipe even though the truck is supposed to have been electrically sabotaged. (00:15:05)

Continuity mistake: After Jenny is abducted and Matrix chases the bad guys, the windshield in his car swaps between very dirty and dusty in the wide angles to spotless in the close-ups. (00:15:10)


Continuity mistake: The police van with Matrix inside pulls away from Cindy and drives for about 30 seconds including the fact that Cindy fired two rockets at it, and, yet, when it stops it is still much too close to where they began and this is even after someone misfired a rocket at them. (00:54:50)


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Suggested correction: A couple of things to point out here. First, the vehicle is a police van, which is going to be slower to accelerate than a car. Not by much, but enough. Secondly, the two cops are distracted by Cindy, thinking she is a hooker and is about to flash them. "I think she's got something for us." The cops are driving slowly at this point, note the speed of the passing streets. Then when she fires the first rocket, it causes both cops to look around to see what was happening - again slowing down.


Continuity mistake: Matrix slams the caterpillar into the gun shop through the metal gates and continues for several seconds, it appears that the metal gates are knocked down a few times. Also, the caterpillar winds up very close to the window even after Matrix drives it for several seconds once inside. (00:51:50)


Continuity mistake: When they arrive at the airport, Matrix closes the door of the car, and the window is almost closed. But, in the next shot, when Bennett says that he'll be ready, he is looking through a completely open window. (00:19:10)

Other mistake: At the end when Matrix gets into the sea plane the the landing gear is down - the landing gear is for ground landing only. Also shown earlier in the film before Matrix starts his assault.

Continuity mistake: When Matrix leaves the plane rowing a boat there are two angles on Cindy: In the close-up her hair remains still, but in the wide angle there's a strong wind blowing it. This changes back and forth. (01:03:20)


Continuity mistake: After the rocket-launcher scene Matrix's daughter is sitting on the floor with a wrinkled curtain at her feet. A shot later the curtain is less wrinkled. (00:55:30)


Continuity mistake: When Arnold is crashing into the gun shop in the caterpillar you can see the camera to the rear (a black round one) and then also the camera at the front can be seen as a yellow box, attempting to be disguised as part of the engine block. These quickly disappear in subsequent shots. (00:51:40)

Revealing mistake: When Matrix sends Sully to his death by dropping him off the edge of the cliff, in the shot of Sully falling it is an obvious dummy. (00:39:20)

Continuity mistake: During the motel room fight scene when Cooke crashes into the other room, the door separating the rooms changes between shots. When he first crashes through the door it's just a wooden door with a large brass knob, but when he lands on the floor in the other room the door is now surrounded by a white frame and the knob is visibly smaller. (00:45:05)

Continuity mistake: After killing Henriques on the plane, Matrix asks the flight attendant how long the flight to Val Verdes is. When he asks her the question, her hand is on the curtain separating first class from economy, but in the next shot her arm is by her side when she answer's Matrix's question. (00:21:20)

Continuity mistake: In the final fight scene Bennett opens a furnace door into John's face, knocking him to the ground. When he opened the door it was two half-doors that opened together, yet in the next shot when he rips the door off to throw at John, only the bottom half is still there.

Audio problem: When Cooke starts up the Cadillac in the dealership you hear the engine turn over and fire twice. (00:02:30)

Audio problem: When Arnie sets his stop watch to count down from 11hrs, each second that the watch ticks over there is a loud 'beep'. This is consistent with when he looks at his watch later in the mall, when it reads 9hrs 40mins to go, his watch is still beeping every second. But when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the Sunspot Motel (7hrs 57min to go) and when Arnie's in the back of the police wagon, at 5hrs 2min to go, the watch isn't beeping.


Continuity mistake: When Matrix's daughter dirties him with ice cream, he turns his head to the left, yet in the opposite angle the head remains straight. (00:05:50)


Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

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Question: The villain's whole plan was to force John Matrix to kill some foreign president by holding his daughter hostage. So why at the beginning were they killing members of his unit? That seemed rather pointless to me.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: They didn't know where Matrix lived. They were killing Matrix's old unit because they knew if they did General Kirby would make physical contact with Matrix to warn him. They simply followed Kirby to Matrix's home.


Answer: To flush him out into the open. By killing his unit it will make it more likely he will want revenge and come out into the open making him a target.


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