Coming to America

Continuity mistake: At the very beginning of the film when Akim is being awoken, he gets out of bed and rose bearers can be seen from above dropping rose pedals on the floor, but they are fairly sparsely scattered. When it's cut to them walking out of the bedroom, you can see in the background, a LOT of rose pedals in the floor.


Continuity mistake: When Akeem and Lisa show up at the apartment and see the rose petals they're all in neat piles and a lot more of them than previously dropped.


Continuity mistake: When Darryl arrives at McDowell's the first time his driver's window is closed while he drives along the street and pulls in, but in the next shot the window is all the way down. There wasn't enough time between shots to lower the window completely. (00:47:55)

Continuity mistake: When Oha visits the restaurant he leaves a bill on the counter which the father picks up. In the next shot the bill is still there.


Continuity mistake: When Akeem is woken up, from the angle above all of his head is resting on the pillow. In the close-up, just half of his head is, the rest is very close to the wall.


Continuity mistake: When Lisa's on the couch, before her Cartier earrings are brought, the dog is sitting either between two cushions or one cushion only, depending on the shot.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Semmi and Akeem are cleaning the soap from the window of McDowells the amount of soap on the window constantly changes from less to more and back to less again. (Look at the very top of the window pane).

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Prince Akeem: Fascinating! Semmi, look at this! America is great indeed. Imagine a country so free, one can throw glass on the streets.

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Answer: Unknown since we can't see the denomination. But at least a couple thousand dollars.


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