
Continuity mistake: When Veronica give Dante the lasagna, Dante syas he will be closing the store, but he doesn't find out that he has to close until the next scene.

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Suggested correction: Dante actually says that his boss has not shown up yet. It's already past noon, the time when he expected to leave. He probably suspects that he will be working much later. I've had similar jobs, and it was not surprising if a late manager/co-worker ended up not coming in at all.

Continuity mistake: Dante gets fined for selling the 4 year old girl cigarettes at 4 o'clock. The girl was sold the cigarettes much before even 2 o'clock, before the store was closed for hockey on the roof.

Timothy Conard

Continuity mistake: When Dante is painting Veronica's nails, the position of their hands changes slightly when the camera cuts. (00:12:20)

Continuity mistake: After the cigarette scene, Dante holds a cigarette with both hands in one shot, but in the next shot he is holding it with just one hand. (00:10:30)

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Suggested correction: Where and when is there a Pringles can missing from the counter?

Continuity mistake: When a guy comes in to buy cigarettes, he hands Dante $3.00, but never gets change. later, we see a sign that reads "CIGARETTES $2.50."

Continuity mistake: When Dante and Randal return from the funeral, it's night time. After the old man is found dead in the bathroom, Dante and Randal say that they got back from the funeral at 4:00 in the afternoon.

Continuity mistake: Veronica's fire extinguisher sprays CO2, but we see her holding a water fire extinguisher. (00:09:30)

Continuity mistake: The clothes worn by the mother asking for "Happy Scrappy Hero Pup" change.

Continuity mistake: Dante gets fined for selling the 4 year old girl cigarettes at 4 o'clock. The girl was sold the cigarettes much before even 2 o'clock, before the store was closed for hockey on the roof.

Timothy Conard

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Customers: In a row?

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Trivia: The Boom operator is credited as "Whoever grabbed the pole."

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Question: Regarding the scene with the highly offended customer, is the actor deliberately hamming it up, or is he just a bad actor?


Answer: I think it's a combination of both of those. He's played by Walt Flanagan, who also plays three other characters in the movie. Flanagan was a friend of Kevin Smith who filled in for several roles. He's definitely playing the part a little hammy... but I also think some of his reactions are a little off because it was (obviously) his first film, and he was inexperienced. (Though to be fair, he appeared in similar small roles in several other Smith films, and his acting improved over time).


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