
Continuity mistake: When Cleopatra and Caesar meet for the first time, Caesar takes a piece of fruit to his mouth. But in the next shot, his arm is by his side even though there was no time for him to put it down. (00:22:15)

Factual error: The Forum shown in that film is smaller than in real life. Also, Cleopatra is shown passing through the Arc of Contantine, a monument that was built centuries after her death.

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Marc Antony: Your tongue is old, but sharp, Cicero. Be careful how you waggle it. One day it will cut off your head.

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Trivia: The film was to have run six hours with two intermissions, but it was cut down to four with one.


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Question: During Rex Harrison's entire performance as Julius Caesar his arms and legs are covered by garments underneath his military garb and robes, even while in Egypt. The other Romans as would be expected have bare legs and arms. Was Harrison suffering from some skin condition or was he too shy or embarrassed of his limbs to show them in the film?

Answer: The people of higher rank would usually have more or better armor so in his case that would probably be extra armor for his legs and arms.

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