Chasing Amy

Chasing Amy (1997)

4 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: In the scene where Silent Bob gives his Amy speech, Jay has two bus tickets to Indiana in his coat pocket. This is a set up for their joining Bethany in Dogma.

Correction: The tickets to Indiana most likely have nothing to do with Dogma. Not only was Dogma a film unrelated to the New Jersey trilogy (Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy), Bethany did not live in Indiana, she lived in Illinois.

Corrected entry: When Holden finds out that Alyssa is a lesbian, he freaks out. But shouldn't he already know that since the first time he saw her she was on a minority panel at a comic con for being a lesbian?

Correction: It is never said that she is on the panel for being a lesbian, it is possible she was on the panel for being a woman in a mostly male world. That is what Holden assumed anyway.

troy fox

Corrected entry: When Silent Bob starts to tell his Amy story Jay tells Bob he never knew of any chick, but when they are leaving Jay yells at Bob saying "why do you always tell that stupid story?" (01:29:00 - 01:32:50)

Correction: According to Kevin Smith (The Director) this was intentional.

Corrected entry: Ben Affleck is talking in the diner. He is smoking - the cigarette ashes appear then disappear, then appear again.

Correction: There are no examples of this wherein he didn't have time to knock them off/take a new drag between shots of him.

Rooster of Doom

Visible crew/equipment: The cameraman is visible in the reflection of window while Holden is walking back to his car in the rain.

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[After Banky pulls out a stack of porno magazines from his bag.]
Holden McNeil: Oh my God. Who are you, Larry fucking Flynt? What are you going to do with all of those?
Banky Edwards: Read the articles. What do you think I'm going to do with them? They're stroke books, stupid!
Holden McNeil: You've got like, thirty books there! We're only going to be gone for two days!
Banky Edwards: Variety's the spice of life. I like a wide selection. Sometimes I'm in the mood for nasty close-ups, sometimes I like them arty and air-brushed. Sometimes it's a spread brown-eye kind of night, sometimes it's girl-on-girl time. Sometimes a steamy letter will do it, sometimes - not often, but sometimes - I like the idea of a chick with a horse.

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Trivia: The collector who calls Banky a tracer is played by film producer Scott Mosier.

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Question: I've noticed that throughout the movie, the first two fingers on many character's right hand are orange. Most noticeable when Holden sees Banky at the end and in the lesbian bar when Banky is swapping stories with Alyssa. What's the significance of this?


Answer: I'm gonna be totally honest... I'm 99% sure there's no significance. In fact, I think it's just stained skin from all the smoking people do in the movie. Most people hold their cigarettes between their first two fingers. And most of the characters are depicted smoking throughout the film, which means they had to smoke a LOT during filming to maintain continuity. I used to get occasional orange (and sometimes yellow or light brown) stains on my fingers and hands when I smoked cigarettes. Especially if I smoked more than one in a short period of time and didn't wash me hands between them. So it's probably just smoking stains on the actor's fingers. In fact, I looked, and you see Banky holding a lit cigarette in his right hand and smoking during the story swapping scene you mentioned, with gives some direct evidence to my theory. (For reference, those stains can wash off with some good scrubbing).


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