Chasing Amy

After Holden's disastrous talk with Banky & Alyssa, everyone goes the separate ways. The screen comes up a short time later. It's another ComiCon. We see a banner for a book called "Baby Dave". It's done by Banky, who signing autographs. We also see Alyssa signing copies of her book. Off in the distance, we see Holden. Banky & Holden begin an unspoken dialogue that reminds you how close they once were. After advising him to go "share a moment" with Alyssa, Banky goes back to signing. Holden goes to Alyssa. He puts a book in front of her. Without looking at who's standing there, she passes it back saying it isn't hers. Holden replies that he knows. It's his. Their eyes meet. She looks at the book again. He tells her he finally had something more personal to say. The comic is called Chasing Amy. We see the last page, where Holden (in comics form) says "where ever you are, Alyssa, I'm sorry". She tears up, and tells him she'll read it. He smiles and walks away.

Visible crew/equipment: The cameraman is visible in the reflection of window while Holden is walking back to his car in the rain.

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[After Banky pulls out a stack of porno magazines from his bag.]
Holden McNeil: Oh my God. Who are you, Larry fucking Flynt? What are you going to do with all of those?
Banky Edwards: Read the articles. What do you think I'm going to do with them? They're stroke books, stupid!
Holden McNeil: You've got like, thirty books there! We're only going to be gone for two days!
Banky Edwards: Variety's the spice of life. I like a wide selection. Sometimes I'm in the mood for nasty close-ups, sometimes I like them arty and air-brushed. Sometimes it's a spread brown-eye kind of night, sometimes it's girl-on-girl time. Sometimes a steamy letter will do it, sometimes - not often, but sometimes - I like the idea of a chick with a horse.

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Trivia: The collector who calls Banky a tracer is played by film producer Scott Mosier.

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Question: Holden tells a fan that he likes to think of Bluntman and Chronic as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern meet Vladamir and Estragon. I know who Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are, but who are Vladamir and Estragon?

Answer: They are the two main characters of the play Waiting for Godot. They spend the entire play in one place waiting for a person who never shows up and talking about random nothingness.


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