
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Kat is being introduced to her new classmates, Casper is seen tying the students' shoelaces together. This includes the snobby blonde sitting in front. But when the camera pans out, her feet are clearly too far apart for this, not like how they showed them while being tied.

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Harvey sees his dead wife, Amelia, for the first time as a ghost, he talks to her half way up the staircase in the manor while the party is going on. The camera changes angles a few times from the side of their heads, to Amelia's view of Dr. Harvey. In each different camera angle, his hair changes place, from the side of his head, it slips down in front of his face.

Revealing mistake: Casper is shown tying together the shoelaces of the students in Kat's class. When the bell rings and class ends they all get up and fall down. If you look closely you can see that their shoelaces are not tied together.

Other mistake: As the priest walks out of the haunted mansion with his head twisted, you can see the head and body don't step in time together.

Continuity mistake: When the priest comes to Whipstaff in the beginning of the film, his cross is firmly snagged on his button. Next shot, it is perfectly free from being stuck.

Lynette Carrington

Continuity mistake: At the part when they are in the closet, the light bulb is swinging back and forth and in the next shot it is either stopped or it is gone, one of the two.

Continuity mistake: Kat has different rings all the way through the movie. Like when she's hugging her dad after he became human again, she is wearing one ring on her middle finger. Then on the next shot, the ring is gone.

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Dr Harvey is fighting with Stinky, Fatso and Stretch, he gets smelled out and rolls up in the red carpet down the stairs. When he unrolls out of the carpet, it is obviously a much shorter carpet.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Bill Pullman is in his office room, in the mansion, the 3 ghosts lift him in the air, you can see the wires lifting the chair.

Revealing mistake: When Kat goes through the Up and At 'Em Machine, the top comb makes contact with her head, and a few of the comb teeth slightly bend. Thereby revealing that the teeth on the comb are made of rubber.

Continuity mistake: When Kat finds the button in the book it is covered in dust. When the camera angle changes it is wiped clean.

Continuity mistake: When the kids take a vote for having the Halloween dance at Whipstaf, the blonde girl is standing in front of the class as all the kids raise their hands and the bell rings. The shot then goes to the bell and then back to the kids sitting in their chairs. The blonde girl is sitting in her seat when a few seconds ago she was standing up. Also when all the kids get up to leave and trip, we see that none of their shoes are actually tied even though Casper tied them a few moments earlier.


Continuity mistake: When James and Kat first enter Whipstaff Manor, they drop their stuff on the floor. The large suitcase falls over on its side, but it cuts to the overhead wide shot and the suitcase is standing upright. (00:19:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the will reading scene after the lawyer has finished, Dibbs' hands are folded on the table, then off it in the next shot.


Continuity mistake: When going through the Up and At 'Em Machine, Kat is splattered with toothpaste. It remains on her face until the blow-dryer segment, and it's suddenly gone.

Continuity mistake: While Dr Harvey is fighting the trio his pants are cut off, seconds later he comes out of the closet and his pants are fine.

Continuity mistake: After Kat goes through the Up and at 'Em machine while sitting in a chair, we see Carrigan and Dibbs go through it, and they're in another chair. They then leave the chair and walk through the tunnel into the lab. Later, when Casper pushes Kat backwards through the machine, the chair that Carrigan and Dibbs were on is nowhere to be found.

Other mistake: When Kat chooses her bedroom in the mansion the bed should be covered in dust but it's not.


Kat: Drop dead.
Stretch: Too late.

More quotes from Casper

Trivia: Kat and her father have the last name Harvey, no doubt a reference to Harvey Entertainment which owns the Casper character.

More trivia for Casper

Question: What was the treasure? Because Casper says its just his baseball bat and glove, but then what does the note at the beginning mean that Carrigan and Dibbs find when the deed is thrown in the fire? Because it talks of treasure but its really only a baseball.

Answer: It was not Casper (now a ghost of 12 yr old boy) who wrote there was a hidden treasure at Whipstaff Manor. It was Casper's father, Mr. Mcfadden. The treasure in the box is an autographed baseball which used to belong to Casper, before he got sick and died. Mr. McFadden missed his young son Casper, so he invented a machine that can bring a ghost back to life. He considered Casper's baseball a treasure, because to him it is the greatest treasure there is - the baseball that belonged to his 12 yr old son before he died.

Super Grover

Answer: A machine that could bring dead people's ghosts back to life would be worth trillions of dollars. And that's why It was kept "secret" and hidden away from the rest of the world.

More questions & answers from Casper

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