
Other mistake: As the priest walks out of the haunted mansion with his head twisted, you can see the head and body don't step in time together.

Other mistake: When Kat chooses her bedroom in the mansion the bed should be covered in dust but it's not.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Kat is being introduced to her new classmates, Casper is seen tying the students' shoelaces together. This includes the snobby blonde sitting in front. But when the camera pans out, her feet are clearly too far apart for this, not like how they showed them while being tied.

More mistakes in Casper

Stinkie: Smell-o-gram.

More quotes from Casper

Trivia: Early in the film, an SUV is smashed by a wrecking ball in front of Whipstaff. A real SUV was smashed for that film and it was obviously one that had been in a wreck previously. Notice that the passenger door is crooked and pulled away from the frame.

Lynette Carrington

More trivia for Casper

Question: How exactly did Casper die? I know he said something about it getting too cold out and him getting very sick but they never make it quite clear. Is it hypothermia?


Chosen answer: It was most likely Pneumonia, which was very deadly before the discovery of antibiotics.

Donald Jenkins

More questions & answers from Casper

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