
Other mistake: In the scene after De Niro's car explodes, they show him being put in the ambulance feet first. Patients are always put in head first.

Other mistake: When the man goes into the casino and takes a suitcase full of money to Kansas, he is parking in a supermarket. Later in the movie, after a plane lands on the golf course the same shot of the car in the supermarket is repeated. Check for the same parked cars: a blue VW beetle and a red car.


Other mistake: When Ace meets with Lester in the diner, Lester looks around at the guys guarding the exits. The camera pans around to show his perspective, looking first at the door directly behind him, and then the door to his right. Except the camera swings left for both shots, meaning Lester would've had to crane his neck around 270° to see the right-hand door while looking to the left.

Casino mistake picture

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film where Robert De Niro gets into his car and it explodes, you can clearly see the cut where they have replaced him with a dummy. (00:00:50)

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Vinny Forlano: He won't talk. Stone is a good kid. Stand-up guy, just like his old man. That's the way I see it.
Vincent Borelli: I agree. He's solid. A fuckin' Marine.
Americo Capelli: He's okay. He always was. Remo, what do you think?
Remo Gaggi: Look... why take a chance? At least, that's the way I feel about it.

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Trivia: Robert DeNiro was so adamant about portraying the character he was playing, that he had his suits that he had worn in the movie made by the same tailors who had made Frank Rosenthal's suits.

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Question: Why would Sam's life be threatened by the Mafia bosses if they find out that Ginger and Nicky are having an affair? I know it's mentioned that they hold marriage in high regard but isn't Sam the victim of being cheated on by his wife and betrayed by his friend? I can only come to the conclusion that they wouldn't approve of a man letting his wife sleep around but still, that seems presumptuous and excessive even for the mob. (02:22:10)

Answer: It's also possible that the "bosses" would be concerned that a rift between Nicky and Sam could bring public (police) attention to the criminal activities going on behind the scenes. These are, after all, two very egotistical individuals.

Answer: Concern about their affair probably has nothing to do with "mob morality" but with the possible complications and unwanted attention that Nick and Ginger, who is a volatile and unpredictable alcoholic and drug addict, could cause for the casino operators, who are being investigated by the F.B.I.


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