
Audio problem: In the scene where Sharon Stone is talking to Joe Pesci about how De Niro had his guys beat up James Woods, at one point Sharon Stone says, "Oh C'mon." If you look closely her mouth doesn't move at all. Also if you listen closely, that line comes out on surround sound. When she continues her line it comes out on mono. It was obviously recorded.

Audio problem: Ace yells "come with me now" over and over while dragging Ginger out of the house after overhearing her trying to have him whacked. DeNiro's lips are not moving while he's yelling.

Audio problem: When Nicky and Frank rough up one of their debtors, Frank tells him to smarten up, but his mouth doesn't move. (00:31:55)

Cubs Fan

Audio problem: When Nicky is at the airport having his suitcase searched by Customs, he says "If you find any cash in there we'll whack it up with ya" but his lips don't move in unison with the sentence. (00:27:50)

Audio problem: When Pat Webb is reading aloud the newspaper article about Sam Rothstein, his lips don't match when he begins the sentence reading "the Midwest bookmaker", and also the audio sounds spliced in. (01:31:15)

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Nicky Santoro: We're supposed to be robbin' this place, you dumb fuckin' Hebe.

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Trivia: Robert DeNiro was so adamant about portraying the character he was playing, that he had his suits that he had worn in the movie made by the same tailors who had made Frank Rosenthal's suits.

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Question: Sam and Nicky both refer to "back home" but they do not explain where it is . I thought it was Kansas City because that is where the bosses are, but it's revealed that they are only there because "its as close as they could get to Vegas without being arrested". Does anyone know where in America Sam and Nicky are originally from?

Answer: Frank Rosenthal (the basis for Sam Rothstein) and Tony Spilotro (the basis for Nicky Santoro) were both from Chicago, so that is likely "back home".

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