
Factual error: In the jewelry robbery montage, Joe Pesci is shown holding a rechargeable Mag-Lite flashlight which would not have been available at that time.

Factual error: When Ace is watching the news report about the investigation of his gaming license and crime connections, you can see the Mirage Hotel in the background of the news studio. The Mirage was not opened until late 1989, and the movie takes place well before that.


Factual error: When Joe Pesci is driving to meet De Niro, he has to change cars. The scene right before going to the garage, they show Pesci's car driving around a corner and at the bottom right of the screen, you see a lamp post with a bus sign on it that reads CAT. CAT (Citizen's Area Transit) wasn't established in Las Vegas until late 80's early 90's. Before that it was the Las Vegas Transit. This scene was supposed to be late 70's, early 80's...

Factual error: We hear Ace in the voiceover talking about Ichikawa, a guest at Tangiers, and Ace says, "About a year ago, he cleaned out a couple of casinos in the Cayman Islands." There have never been casinos in the Caymans. (00:19:10)

Factual error: About a half hour into the movie, Nicky goes into the sports book to collect. There is a cigarette machine behind him and the price of a pack of cigarettes is marked $2.50 In the 70's a pack of cigarettes was more like one dollar. (00:33:04 - 00:33:35)

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Suggested correction: Not only were vending machine prices for cigarettes higher to begin with, they simply jacked the prices up because they could. Think about how much a soda costs at a movie theater or airport.


I remember buying cigarettes out of a machine in the 80's - never needed more than 4 quarters.

There was a news report from 1988 still available online where a small pack of cigarettes from a vending machine was $3.50 (14 quarters). You must have found a super cheap machine selling very small packs and you weren't buying them in a betting parlor.


There is a huge difference between early 70's and 88.

That wasn't the point of my comment. Whoever said they never paid more than $1 in the 80's isn't remembering right or fibbing (which is why I didn't include it in my correction). The correction is still valid because the cigarettes weren't being sold in stores. Just like one time I had to paid almost $10 for a "$5 footlong" at an airport Subway or $3 for a vending machine soda at a theater when they were $1 at every other vending machine.


Casino mistake picture

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film where Robert De Niro gets into his car and it explodes, you can clearly see the cut where they have replaced him with a dummy. (00:00:50)

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Vinny Forlano: He won't talk. Stone is a good kid. Stand-up guy, just like his old man. That's the way I see it.
Vincent Borelli: I agree. He's solid. A fuckin' Marine.
Americo Capelli: He's okay. He always was. Remo, what do you think?
Remo Gaggi: Look... why take a chance? At least, that's the way I feel about it.

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Trivia: Robert DeNiro was so adamant about portraying the character he was playing, that he had his suits that he had worn in the movie made by the same tailors who had made Frank Rosenthal's suits.

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Question: Sam and Nicky both refer to "back home" but they do not explain where it is . I thought it was Kansas City because that is where the bosses are, but it's revealed that they are only there because "its as close as they could get to Vegas without being arrested". Does anyone know where in America Sam and Nicky are originally from?

Answer: Frank Rosenthal (the basis for Sam Rothstein) and Tony Spilotro (the basis for Nicky Santoro) were both from Chicago, so that is likely "back home".

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