The Cannonball Run

Revealing mistake: When Foyt wants to put the GMC van into neutral at the police roadblock, you can see the cable towing the van towards the police car. (01:03:30)


Revealing mistake: Several times in the fight scene near the end, it is painfully obvious that punches are thrown by the characters and are heard connecting but never actually touch anyone.

Revealing mistake: When the two Japanese racers are stranded in the desert, they activate the secret rocket weapon. The stream of smoke that is supposed to be generated from the rocket appears to be coming from underneath the rocket, just above the rear bumper. (01:13:05)


Continuity mistake: The two Lamborghini women get stopped by police. The one in the red suit is on the right, with her front zipper up. In the next shot the other race contestants zoom on by, and the two women are shown from behind. In the next front shot, her zipper is down. The next shot from behind, show more race contestants zooming by. The next front shot, her zipper is up again, then she pulls it down to pull out her driver's license for the officer.

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Doctor Nikolas Van Helsing: I'm Nikolas Van Helsing, professor of proctology and other related tendencies. A graduate of the University of Rangoon. And assorted night classes at the Knoxville Tennessee school of faith healing.
J.J. McClure: You may be a little over qualified for this job.

More quotes from The Cannonball Run

Trivia: Director Hal Needham has a cameo as the ambulance EMT.

More trivia for The Cannonball Run

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