Broken Arrow

Continuity mistake: When Deke hits the investor in the throat with a pipe, his head is straight back against the chair. In the next shot, his head is leaning to the left towards Deke and in the next shot it is straight again.

Bonita Kilpatrick

Continuity mistake: When Terry goes out of the lake, she is soaking wet and without her jacket, and remains without it for several minutes. Then when she hides behind a bush while the truck goes by, the jacket is suddenly back on her.

Continuity mistake: When Terry is hanging on the side of the train, she shifts between being on the sun side and the shadow side of the train.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Terry's jeep explodes, we can see the bullet holes in the hood. They are all circular. But when shot from the helicopter from low in front of the car, the holes would be elongated.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Hale is aiming the revolver up at the helicopter, where Terry is talking to the pilot, we can see (in two clips) that the drum of the revolver is empty.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Terry meets Hale, it is just at sunrise. But during their fight, the angles of light and shadow show that the sun is high up in the sky. And the light level (and cloud cover) changes between shots.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Travolta holds the dollar note towards Slater in the locker room, the way it is folded changes between shots twice.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Slater and Travolta are flying in the Stealth, in the outside shot small clouds pass by the plane, but in the inside shot there are none, and they are high above the cloud layer.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Christian Slater and the girl are trying to take over the jeep with the nukes in it, Slater shoots the driver's foot and pushes him out of the jeep to the side of the road, but then the car with Travolta in it accidentally runs over the guy in the middle of the road.

Continuity mistake: Despite a nuclear explosion sufficient to cause the ground to ripple for several kilometers, strangely, it is not sufficient to blow the top of the mineshaft.

Continuity mistake: When Deakins drops the nuclear weapons out of the stealth, the parachutes on the nukes are white. When the recovery team finds the nukes, the parachutes are black.

Continuity mistake: After Travolta drops the nukes from the stealth, he says "This is Deakins! Hale's lost it! I'm punching out!" When the G-man on the plane asks for their last transmission to be faxed to him, the transcript says "This is Deakins! Hale has lost it! I have to punch out!" Important government documents, such as this, would have to be word for word, especially with an issue of missing nukes present.

Continuity mistake: When Slater throws the henchman out of the first Humvee, he lands on the side of the road. But then he is in the middle of the road so Travolta"s Humvee can run him over.

Continuity mistake: When the humvees are racing across the desert they both go over a cliff at the same time, as they do they are just facing each other at the front but when they fly over the camera they are fully straight.


Continuity mistake: When John Travolta resets the timer on the nuclear warhead in the mine, he sets the warhead to 13 minutes and then smashes the buttons. Right before he smashes the buttons you can see that the buttons are already out of place.


Continuity mistake: When Wilkins' helicopter blows up, the train comes to an almost complete stop and then goes through the tunnel slowly. When Hale and Terry are done sabotaging Deakins helicopter, the train is back to full speed.

Continuity mistake: When Hale shoots into the train from the helicopter, he wounds Deakins in the right arm, but later during the movie, the wound is nowhere to be seen. Especially during the fight scene at the end when Deakins takes off his jacket. There's no blood or wound anywhere on his right arm.


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Deakins: I say goddamn, what a rush!

More quotes from Broken Arrow

Trivia: Travolta was originally offered Hale's part, but he wanted Deakins. The role of Hale and Terry was made younger, and Slater and Mathis were cast.

More trivia for Broken Arrow

Question: Like the Wilhelm scream, is there a name to the scream Howie Long makes he falls? I've heard that in more than few other things.

Answer: To me it sounds a lot like a Tie Fighter flyby, also been used in a few movies for various different things.


Answer: Funnily enough, it is actually often referred to as the "Howie Scream," in reference to this film, which famously used it. It's a stock sound effect that's been in use since at least 1980. It's also referred to as "Screams 3; Man, Gut-Wrenching Scream and Fall into Distance," which was presumably the title of the track in the music library it's from.


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