Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow (1996)

Plot summary

(9 votes)

A state of the art stealth bomber carrying live nukes on a test exercise over Nevada crashes in the desert.

One of the pilots is the mastemind of a plot to steal the nukes, the other one is the only person who knows what he is doing and can stop him.

Together with a female park ranger the good pilot sets off to hunt down the mad pilot and his merry bunch of cohorts and recover the nukes before he can blow something up.

he sets one of them off underground in an old mine but what does he intend to do with the other.

The trail ends up at a rail track. did the mad pilot go east or West?

Continuity mistake: When Hale shoots into the train from the helicopter, he wounds Deakins in the right arm, but later during the movie, the wound is nowhere to be seen. Especially during the fight scene at the end when Deakins takes off his jacket. There's no blood or wound anywhere on his right arm.


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Deakins: I say goddamn, what a rush!

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Trivia: John Woo wanted Hale to die in the film, but the studio was against it because of Slater's popularity with younger audiences.

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Question: Like the Wilhelm scream, is there a name to the scream Howie Long makes he falls? I've heard that in more than few other things.

Answer: To me it sounds a lot like a Tie Fighter flyby, also been used in a few movies for various different things.


Answer: Funnily enough, it is actually often referred to as the "Howie Scream," in reference to this film, which famously used it. It's a stock sound effect that's been in use since at least 1980. It's also referred to as "Screams 3; Man, Gut-Wrenching Scream and Fall into Distance," which was presumably the title of the track in the music library it's from.


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