Adventures in Babysitting

Other mistake: The way 'Sara'/'Sarah' is spelled differs from the movie credits and the tag on the bottom of her roller skate shown near the end of the movie. (01:35:35 - 01:37:30)

Other mistake: This takes place during the scene when Chris, Sarah, and Brad are in the living room. Darryl shows up in one window and Brad quickly shuts the curtains on him. Within a few seconds Darryl shows up at the window at the other side of the room. The direction in which he appeared in the window signifies that he ran all the way around the house. I don't see how that could be done in a few seconds. (00:11:30)

Continuity mistake: When Chris, Brad and Sarah are watching TV in the living room you can hear a scene from the movie Halloween but there is something totally different on the TV. Also, as Chris starts to leave later on, there are several shots of the TV and Halloween is now on screen but the scene being shown is the same one that was heard earlier.

Tina Gilliam

More mistakes in Adventures in Babysitting

Dr. Nuhkbane: There you are, one stitch, all better.
Brad: One stitch?
Dr. Nuhkbane: Oh, yes, one stitch.
Brad: My only shot at ever being in a gang fight and all I get is one stitch? Chris is gonna think I'm a total failure.

More quotes from Adventures in Babysitting

Trivia: When Christina and the kids are brought to the warehouse where the criminals are bringing stolen cars, one of the gangsters says, "Take the Brady Bunch upstairs." In the next scene we see Brenda waiting at the bus stop, and we can hear the Brady Bunch song being played on TV.

More trivia for Adventures in Babysitting

Question: When the kids were coming out of the hospital, Pruitt was there and said that Dawson was going to charge them $50 for the tire, which he knew they didn't have. Earlier in the movie when he saw them on the expressway, he said he would treat them to a tire as a nice gesture. He paid for the window because that was his fault, but why did he suddenly decide not to buy their tire for them when he knew they were flat broke?

Answer: He's on the lam after shooting at his wife's lover. He probably needs whatever cash he has on hand.

Brian Katcher

Answer: He didn't decide not to buy them the tire. He said Dawson wouldn't let him buy it for them.


More questions & answers from Adventures in Babysitting

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