Boys Don't Cry

Other mistake: Brandon is at Candace's in the shack when Chloe Sevigny drives away to her home - which is at a driving distance - to get her things, and somehow Brandon pops in her window to tell her to hurry up! How did she get there so fast?

Continuity mistake: During the birthday party, the cigarette over Brandon's ear switches from right ear to left ear.

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Brandon: Lana, you are one cranky girl.

More quotes from Boys Don't Cry

Trivia: In actual life, Lana states that Brandon never proposed to her. In fact, when she found out that Brandon was actually Teena, she ended the relationship then and there.

Allister Cooper, 2011

More trivia for Boys Don't Cry

Question: What is the name of the song playing during the very last scene with Lana driving and who sings it?

Answer: Bluest Eyes in Texas, remade by Sheryl Crow, originally by Little Texas.

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