Boys Don't Cry

Brandon is brutally raped and murdered by two of Llana's guy friends after they find out he is actually female. The two guys then go to Candace's house, where Brandon stayed, and kill Candace. Llana moves away, has a baby, then returns to the area years later to raise the baby.


Continuity mistake: During the birthday party, the cigarette over Brandon's ear switches from right ear to left ear.

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Lana: I hate my life.
Brandon: I hate your life, too.

More quotes from Boys Don't Cry

Trivia: In the film, Brandon escapes from John and Tom after being run roughshod by them. In actual life, John and Tom let her go after the beating, but with a stern warning not to go to the police. Brandon nevertheless went and reported the crime.

Allister Cooper, 2011

More trivia for Boys Don't Cry

Question: Why does Lana at the end of the movie call Brandon "Teena"?

Answer: Brandon's birth name is Teena Tenae Brandon. When Teena decided to become a man, he reversed his first and last name to become Brandon Teena. Lana may have continued to call him Teena as a form of "I know the real you" familiarity "pet name".


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