Boys Don't Cry

Continuity mistake: During the birthday party, the cigarette over Brandon's ear switches from right ear to left ear.

Continuity mistake: When Candace gets shot at the end she falls on her back and her legs are sticking straight out. When Lana wakes up and her mom walks her out of the house, they look over at Candace and her left leg is now bent at an angle.

Continuity mistake: When Candace gets shot, her overall body position changes. When she is shot, she falls in the door frame with her feet sticking out, yet when the 2 girls walk past her in the morning, her body has moved back into the next room about 4 feet. This couldn't happen since she fell dead right away in that doorway.

Continuity mistake: When Lana is waiting for her friends outside a bar, she's smoking. As we hear the car pull up, she throws the cigarette away with her right hand. In the next frame, when she walks towards the car yelling at them, she has a lit cigarette in her left hand.

Continuity mistake: When Brandon goes back to Lincoln for his court date, when his arrest reports are flashing on the screen while he is sitting in court, his DOB changes from one report to the next. In the first one it shows his DOB as 1970 and his arrest year 1990 yet showing him only 18 years old on the police form. In the second one it shows his DOB being 1971 with the arrest year being 1991 and his age being 19. (00:53:05)


Revealing mistake: Candace's eyes are moving and she is breathing after allegedly having been shot and killed.

More mistakes in Boys Don't Cry

Brandon: Lana, you are one cranky girl.

More quotes from Boys Don't Cry

Trivia: Though most of the characters depicted existed, there was another young lady, Mich, who, at the time, was Lana's good friend. She also knew Brandon. However, in the events following the tragedy, Mich moved out of Nebraska to avoid the attention.

Allister Cooper, 2011

More trivia for Boys Don't Cry

Question: Why does Lana at the end of the movie call Brandon "Teena"?

Answer: Brandon's birth name is Teena Tenae Brandon. When Teena decided to become a man, he reversed his first and last name to become Brandon Teena. Lana may have continued to call him Teena as a form of "I know the real you" familiarity "pet name".


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