Kevin & Perry Go Large

Other mistake: When Kevin and Perry go home to find the postman at the front door, the postman asks Kevin to sign for a letter (his father's). If you look closely at the address on the postman's sheet it does not match the address on the letter. You need to be quick and look closely.

Continuity mistake: When the two are lying down on the beach because of their stiffies they get hooked in, so start pulling towards the sea the camcorder Perry dropped isn't by him in some of the shots.

gandolfs dad

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Kevin: I am not your slave.

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More trivia for Kevin & Perry Go Large

Question: A Trivia entry says that when the title of the film comes up, all the cars are Ford Focus's. Why did the director do that?

Answer: In the UK, at the time of filming the Ford Focus was a very popular family car. Not sure if it was the most popular but its definately a stereotypical family car. So its use would have been to signify that Kev's street is in a typical suburban area.

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