The Blair Witch Project

Visible crew/equipment: At the time when they get lost and stumble back to the river and the log, and Heather says "No, it can't be the same log", look across the river. There is someone standing there clad in white, and all three of them are standing on the same side of the river...

Factual error: Notice at the beginning of the movie when they are loading their stuff, you see a 1997 or above Ford F-150 truck sitting at the house across the street. The movie takes place in 1994.

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Heather Donahue: I just want to apologize to Josh's mom, and Mike's mom, and my mom. I am so sorry! Because it was my fault. I was the one who brought them here. I was the one that said "keep going south." I was the one who said that we were not lost. It was my fault, because it was my project. I am so scared! I don't know what's out there. We are going to die out here! I am so scared!

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Trivia: Became the most profitable film based on return of investment on its theatrical run, excluding marketing costs. The return of investment is an amazing 354,614.29%, as the film had a production budget of $35,000 and grossed $248 million worldwide.


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Question: At the end when the girl 'dies' you can see someone in the corner. Who is it?

Answer: It is Mike. If you remember from earlier in the movie it was said that one person was made to stand in the corner while the other person was killed.


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