Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

Other mistake: In the final scene of the movie, Megan starts a boat motor and uses the propeller to hit Jason in the face, who has been chained down underwater. But if Jason can only barely reach her foot from underwater, there's no way the boat propeller is underwater far enough to reach his face. (01:17:50)

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Suggested correction: The boat was driven a good ways, it's not like they were shallow and then all of a sudden deep. They were deep for a little bit. I mean not so deep like the ocean, but it was a good enough ways for someone to drown. Megan is tall for a girl and Jason is a big guy and the propeller is right at his head/neck.

You are very much mistaken. The boat propeller is too high to reach Jason's face.

Revealing mistake: When the counselors show up at camp with groceries, Paula and Cort walk away with bags to take inside. However if you watch the reflection in the side of the truck closely you can see them sit down and wait for the scene to end. (00:17:55)

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Suggested correction: One of two things 1. They could have waited until they got all the other stuff to go. 2. One could have dropped a bunch of stuff and then the other went to help.

Continuity mistake: When Jason stabs Cort in the head (Cort is driving the camper) we see an exterior shot of the camper before it flips over. Look inside the camper; Jason is no longer standing behind the driver's seat where he stabbed Cort. In fact, Jason is gone altogether. (00:39:15)

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Suggested correction: More than likely Jason fell back from the wreck, he's tough but not Superman tough.

This correction missed the point of the mistake. Before the RV flips, there's no sign of Jason when he should be seen standing between the front seats.


I watched it and Jason wasn't in sight. I wonder if he backed up while the RV was going crazy due to the driver getting stabbed in the head. I have no idea, I had to rewind and pause to see it.

Continuity mistake: Jason kills Burt and takes his belt, but the belt appears around Jason's waist before he has the chance to put it on.

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Suggested correction: I watched a few clips and not a single scene where he takes Burt's belt. He takes his machete, but not his belt.

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film, when Tommy and Megan are driving towards the camp, a shot is reused from the earlier police chase scene. You can tell by the reflection of the red police lights in the trees. (01:00:15)

Visible crew/equipment: When Megan comes to pick up Jarvis and she is putting down the window, in it you can see the director's light. You can also see this when Megan is pulling the window up.


Visible crew/equipment: During the paintball scene where Jason jumps down from the trees, he chops three people's heads off at once and when those bodies land you can see the crashmats at the bottom of the screen. (00:23:15)

Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jason kills Lizabeth, the first shot shows Jason with his feet on either side of her head, but in the next shot, his feet are together and away from her head. (00:14:35)

Visible crew/equipment: Camera visible in the bottom left of the window when Sissy pours the soda out. (00:45:55)

Continuity mistake: When Tommy picks up the mask before throwing it into Jason's grave he holds the mask with one hand only. But when it cuts to him throwing it, he is holding the mask with both hands. (00:05:40)


Revealing mistake: When the clumsy guy is running in the forest you see him tripping in some bushes. Then some wire, probably used to tie up the bushes, gets stuck in his feet and he is struggling to get it away as he is stumbling. In the next shot the wire is gone. (00:22:05)


Visible crew/equipment: When the RV flips over in one shot you can see a stage light in the darkness. (00:39:15)

Continuity mistake: After Jason kills the 3 paintball players, he comes after Roy who panics and shoots Jason in the chest with a paintball. Jason even looks down at the paintball stain before he chases after Roy. Yet in all the later scenes, the paintball stain is gone. (00:23:25)

Audio problem: When Cort is taking off with the caravan you hear the wheels squeal. However he is driving on mud so that would be impossible. (00:37:25)


Revealing mistake: When Jason kills the guy in the RV (by driving a knife through his head) have a look at the handle of the knife wobble when he bumps his head against the window. (00:39:10)

Continuity mistake: The amount of blood on the machete and the position the little girl is holding it change as she shows it to Paula. (00:50:45)

Continuity mistake: When Jason approaches the RV with Cort and Nikki inside, we can see that the vent on the roof (above the front of the RV) is wide open. It is still open when Cort starts driving away. In the next scene when the RV is driving down the road, and after it flips over, the vent is now closed. (00:34:05 - 00:37:50)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning, when Tommy dig up Jason's grave, they have a close up of Jason's eyes, and they are brown. But, at the end when Megan cuts his neck with the propeller, his eyes are blue. Then, they are brown again for the last shot of Jason. (00:06:10 - 01:17:55)

Continuity mistake: When Tommy and Megan get to the roadblock you briefly see the officers walking towards them pointing the flashlight towards them. When it cuts they are leaning against the hood of the police car and aren't aiming the flashlight at them. (00:48:05)


Visible crew/equipment: When the sheriff shoots Jason with a shotgun you can see the cable pulling him back. (01:06:45)

Deputy Rick: Megan, don't clown around.
Megan: I'm not the one with the funny red nose. Now, open the cell and let him out.
Deputy Rick: Meggie.
Megan: I'm not kidding.
Tommy: You better do as she says, because wherever the red dot goes, you bang.

More quotes from Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
More trivia for Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

Question: Normally, whenever Jason gets shot, struck with a machete or an axe, or stabbed with a knife, he shrugs it off. So why was he angry when Roy shot him with a paint gun?


Chosen answer: He wasn't really angry, more like confused and annoyed at having paint shot at him.

More questions & answers from Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

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