Joy Ride

Joy Ride (2001)

30 mistakes

(5 votes)

Factual error: When Rusty Nail is chasing them down the dirt road, and they come to a nearly 90 degree turn, there is NO way that a semi could take that turn at the same speed as the car and not flip over.

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Suggested correction: The turn wasn't a 90 degree angle, it was more of a curve than a turn.

Continuity mistake: In the crop scene, when Lewis, Fuller and Venna turn when they hear the truck coming, in one shot the truck is pulling out to take over the car, about 5 seconds later he's taking over the car again. (01:07:00)


Factual error: In the scene where Lewis dials the police at the gas station, he says "Rawlins County Sheriff's Department please." There is no such county in Wyoming (where this particular scene is) named Rawlins County. He should have said Carbon County. Also, Table Rock is in Sweetwater County, and there are no police services there. (00:36:50)


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Suggested correction: Many films and TV shows make up their own places.

Except in this film they're using real town names and they show a real map.


Plot hole: The incident at the hotel happens in the town of Table Rock, Wyoming. Aside from Table Rock not having any hotel, the drive from Table Rock to Boulder, Colorado is only 4 1/2 hours. Unless they're crawling, why is this trip taking two days? The film uses real life locations and town names. The rest of the film is justifiable as Rusty controls the game, but the first act of the film's timeline is messy.


Plot hole: Fuller is supposed to be heading to Denver, but after picking up Venna in Boulder he inexplicably stays on even after telling Lewis just before this that he was not going to be going home with them.

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Suggested correction: Fuller had fallen for Venna and was simply staying around in case he got lucky and could sleep with her.

Continuity mistake: When in the hotel room waiting for Rusty to arrive and knock on the angry man's room, Lewis is on the phone with the front desk. The phone is on the nightstand facing him. The scene shifts to Fuller, but when the camera shifts back to Lewis again, the phone is turned to face the other bed. (00:41:00)

Continuity mistake: When Rusty Nail has the car pinned up against the tree, his truck breaks the windows. The driver's side window is completely broken in one shot, however when Rusty leaves, the window is shattered but largely intact.


Factual error: When Fuller, Lewis and Venna are at the town with a bar in Nebraska, there are mountains in the distant background. Nebraska doesn't have mountains of that height. Most of the film was shot in Nevada.


Fuller Thomas: Do what I do. Just remind yourself that in a hundred years you're gonna be dead. It's the closest thing I've got to a philosophy.

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Trivia: Eric Stoltz was nearly cast for the role of "Rusty Nail", but director John Dahl felt Stoltz didn't sound scary and intense enough so the part was given to Dahl's first choice, Ted Levine.

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Answer: For Fuller and Lewis, the best assumption is that he never actually left the first motel. He stayed at or near the motel, followed them to the police station, and then continued following them up untill the point where he makes his presence to them known again. Or he also could have just parked his rig somewhere far down the road and waited for their car to pass him, and at which point he would start following them. And for Charlotte, he probably just followed Fuller and Lewis all the way to the college, saw Charlotte, and then kidnapped her while she was leaving.

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