Beverly Hills Cop

Continuity mistake: When Axel is telling Bogomil what he's really doing in Beverly Hills, you see Bogomil's hands in the front of him as he is talking but when the camera angle changes only one hand is in front and the other is to his side. Happens about 3 times during the scene.


Visible crew/equipment: During the truck chase scene in the beginning, three cop cars slide into parked cars as they turn following the truck. In the middle car, right between the driver and the passenger, is a full camera rig. Next shot it's gone.

Continuity mistake: When Mikey loses a bet at the pool table, his arms are hanging down by his sides as the 8-ball sinks. In the next frame he's got his hands full of cash instead. (00:14:05)


Continuity mistake: When Axel visits Victor at the club he throws Victor's henchman across the buffet table. When the henchman gets up he has a strawberry smashed into his hair at the top middle-right portion of his forehead. Later on the strawberry is gone but there are green leaves that now are on the middle-left side of his forehead. This is evident as the camera regains focus although the colors can be seen when the the view of him is blurry. (01:04:30)


Continuity mistake: When Axel and Mikey are playing pool, the guy Axel is playing calls out his shot and you see about 3 balls on the table not including the cue ball. Mikey bets the guy that he can't make the shot and you now see only the 8 ball on the table.


Continuity mistake: When the police pull up to the back of the semi, Axel was holding the money in his hands to his side but as the camera angle changes he's now holding the money up in the air.


Continuity mistake: When Axel is talking his way into the club to see Victor, right before he's allowed to see Victor the camera angle from the back shows him rubbing the back of his head with his left hand but the camera angle from the front shows his hand at his sides.


Continuity mistake: When Axel and Jenny go to Victor's warehouse you see Axel walk up to a crate and put both of his hands on it. The camera angle changes and his hands are no longer on the crate and he's pointing to a label on the crate telling Jenny that this is what they are looking for.


Continuity mistake: The hands on Axel's wristwatch change position frequently when he's being questioned by Bogomil about his fixation with Victor. (01:07:00 - 01:08:00)


Continuity mistake: When Inspector Todd is yelling at Foley you see Jeffrey standing right behind Axel looking at the lockers, and when the camera angle changes he's now looking right at Axel.


Continuity mistake: When Axel and Mikey are at the bar Mikey puts his hand on Axel's neck. The shot changes and the hand is now on Axel's shoulder. The shot changes again and the hand is missing.

Audio problem: Taggart and Rosewood try to pursue Foley from the hotel but their car stalls from the "banana in the tailpipe", and when Rosewood tries to restart it, it makes the starting sound of an older Chrysler, when the car is actually a Mercury.

Continuity mistake: After Victor leaves the warehouse, Axel fights off the remaining thugs. He throws a guy into some boxes, and 5 seconds later, the exact same shot is repeated.

Continuity mistake: During the first chase, a cop car crashes against some orange barrels. When the shot changes, the car is meters beyond and crashes again. (00:06:29)


Continuity mistake: When the movie starts and the police car shows up, Axel raises his hand holding dollar bills. From the opposite angle his hand is lowered.


Visible crew/equipment: In the beginning scene when the truck is smashing into parked cars with 3 police cars behind it, You can see to the left-hand side on top of the roof some filming crew with one holding a boom mic.

Continuity mistake: When Jenny and Axel first get in her Mercedes, you see the rear view mirror. But in the shots of her driving, it's gone.


Revealing mistake: During the opening chase, as the truck driver is hitting vehicles, there is a front on shot. The stunt driver is visible. It's not the regular driver we just saw.


Visible crew/equipment: When Foley is released from the cell, he is taken to see Rosewood and Taggart. The camera tracks through the police station and it is visible reflected in the glass.


Serge: Go and tell Miss Jenny Summers that Mr. Achmed Foley is here to see her.
Axel Foley: No, Axel Foley. Axel.
Serge: Acmel? Acwel?
Axel Foley: Axel.
Serge: Foley's here to see her.

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Chosen answer: Much of Axel Foley's lines were improvised, including this scene, according to the commentary. But many other actors improvised their lines too, most notably Bronson Pinchot. The script was originally written with the intent of Sylvester Stallone playing Axel and as such, the issue of his race wasn't scripted and the director tried to avoid mentioning race in the film. It was Eddie Murphy that would bring it up in improvised lines.


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