Beverly Hills Cop

Continuity mistake: When Foley is being thrown out of Maitland's office, four of Maitland's bodyguards grab Foley, while the fifth man (the one wearing sunglasses) leads them out. His jacket is buttoned as they grab Foley. In the next shot, you see him buttoning his jacket. (00:29:28)

Audio problem: Zack walks up to Axel after Maitland and his men show up at the warehouse where Axel and Jenny find the cocaine in the coffee crate, and says "I should've taken care of you in Detroit, when I popped your little buddy." When he says "buddy", it's an over-the-shoulder shot of Zack from behind. His mouth doesn't move.

Continuity mistake: When Axel is at Victor's gate, looking at his house, the two other cops show up and Axel turns to face them. When you see the shot from in front of them, they're standing shoulder to shoulder. But the shots from behind show them standing a few feet apart.

Continuity mistake: Right before Axel shoots Zack at the mansion, there is a large vase behind Axel. When he shoots Zack however, the vase disappears. There are bullet holes in the wall where the vase was, implying Zack fired his gun at Axel. But Zack never fires his gun, so the vase simply vanishes from the scene. (01:32:00)


Continuity mistake: At the end shoot out in the house, Foley and Taggart bump into each other and a henchman shoots the grass near them with a submachine gun, ripping up the grass. Billy shoots the assailant and they come out from behind the wall - the grass that was shot up is in pristine condition, with no bullet holes or damage whatsoever. (01:28:15)


Continuity mistake: When Axel is at the restaurant asking for Victor, he is scratching his neck from the shot over his shoulder. However, in the very next shot, both his hand are by his aside.

Continuity mistake: When Serge asks Axel for his name, his has his hand on his neck. In the next shot from over his shoulder, his hand is not there. In the next shot, his hand is under his chin, and then in the next shot from over his shoulder his hand is not there.

Audio problem: In the bonding warehouse, there is no sound from Jenny's shoes when she is running, but when outside, you can hear her footsteps.

Sian Esk Abnett

Continuity mistake: During the shoot out at Maitland's mansion, when Zak is shot, you see the actor who plays him lying on the floor, in the next shot, his stunt double is lying on the floor.


Continuity mistake: When Axel jumps into the stakeout car, he leans on the seat backs and starts chatting with Taggart and Rosewood. At one point Axel asks why they're always arguing together. The shot cuts to Taggart but now Axel isn't anywhere near the seat backs. (00:50:45)


Continuity mistake: When Jenny leaves Axel at the bonded warehouse, he puts his right hand on the car's fender. In the next shot his hand is resting on the windshield corner instead. (00:45:35)


Continuity mistake: When Axel approaches Victor and Zack at the Harrow Club, Victor is holding a menu. When the shot cuts, the menu is lying flat on the table. (01:04:05)


Continuity mistake: When Taggart and Rosewood are replaced with another pair of detectives, Taggart is either looking at Bogomil or the two detectives, depending on the angle. (00:58:05)


Revealing mistake: At the end, when one of Victor's bad guys is shooting at the officer on the wall, the bullet holes go into the wall vertically. From the angle of the bad guy, this is impossible since he is at a 45 degree angle.


Continuity mistake: When Axel Foley hits Victor's hitman in the restaurant and the hitman lands on the buffet table, he has lots of stuff on his face and something green is stuck on his forehead. In the next shot, the hitman's face has been cleaned up a little and the green thing stuck on his forehead disappears.

Other mistake: If Rand was responsible for investigating homicides in Detroit, it is doubtful that he could have stayed behind a desk for 12 years.


Visible crew/equipment: Most of the major crashes of the opening chase have large crowds gathered to watch the filming.

Other mistake: When Maitland shoots Axel in his house, he has a large calibre hand gun. The shot was in Axel's right arm, just below the shoulder, apparently straight on, as only one hole is seen. The hole was way too small for the size gun and should have easily penetrated into his lungs making it difficult for Axel to breathe. It also would have damaged the bone in his arm making it impossible for him to use it.


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Suggested correction: Depends on the ammo being used. Maitland seems to be firing a .357 Magnum revolver.


Continuity mistake: When Axel is shot in the arm at Maitland's house, he falls into a white tiled room. His gun is already lying on the floor well in front of him as he is falling.


Revealing mistake: Obvious stunt man for Axel when Maitland's thugs toss him out the window. His hair is different and his arms are more muscular.

Police Chief Hubbard: What's this man doing here?
Axel Foley: Bleeding, sir.

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More trivia for Beverly Hills Cop

Question: Why did the bus do a 180? You never saw the semi truck in that shot, so why did it make an insane turn like that when the truck had nothing at all to do with it?

Answer: There might be a deleted scene showing an extended chase scene, but as it is, it seems out of place. From what I can tell, the road was slick, like something oily was spilt on the road during the chase. I don't think it's from the fruit and vegetable truck either. The bus looks like it's breaking suddenly (perhaps to avoid an unseen wreck) and skidded out and the driver over compensated, spinning the bus out. In fairness, a licensed bus driver would probably be able to control the bus in that situation, so it was exaggerated for the film. It probably should have been cut, but I'm guessing someone liked it and kept it in for more action.


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