Beverly Hills Cop

Deliberate mistake: When the truck is slamming numerous parked cars on a residential street, it sideswipes a parked Dodge Aspen (white with tan landau top). At the lower-right corner of this shot, a white Chevy Nova is parked at the corner (its vinyl top and trim has been poorly painted the same white as the body). Both these cars are repositioned to be at the roadblock location at the end of the chase, with the Nova slammed from behind by the truck and the Aspen parked near the cop cars. (00:07:00 - 00:07:40)


Revealing mistake: In the scene where Axel throws the art dealer's henchman onto the buffet table, if you watch carefully (or use slow-mo) you can see the stunt double pulling off that manoeuvre. There is also a stunt double being thrown over the table.

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Serge: Go and tell Miss Jenny Summers that Mr. Achmed Foley is here to see her.
Axel Foley: No, Axel Foley. Axel.
Serge: Acmel? Acwel?
Axel Foley: Axel.
Serge: Foley's here to see her.

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Question: Why did the bus do a 180? You never saw the semi truck in that shot, so why did it make an insane turn like that when the truck had nothing at all to do with it?

Answer: There might be a deleted scene showing an extended chase scene, but as it is, it seems out of place. From what I can tell, the road was slick, like something oily was spilt on the road during the chase. I don't think it's from the fruit and vegetable truck either. The bus looks like it's breaking suddenly (perhaps to avoid an unseen wreck) and skidded out and the driver over compensated, spinning the bus out. In fairness, a licensed bus driver would probably be able to control the bus in that situation, so it was exaggerated for the film. It probably should have been cut, but I'm guessing someone liked it and kept it in for more action.


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